V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  Bybitrecruit734  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  3
@zhangqilin 只需其中一种就可以了。

C++/Golang Engineer


Responsible for the core architectural designs and background developments pertaining to the field of finance, which requires the developed systems to have high throughput (10,000 TPS per second), low latency, high availability, and high reliability development of the core trading system
Responsible for the development and preparation of relevant technical documents
Provide other technical support when needed


Possesses a Bachelor’s degree or above in a computer related major, with at least 3 years of distributed system development experience in Golang or C ++ under Unix / Linux
Proficient in TCP / IP, HTTP protocols, and inter-process communication programming
Familiar with common architecture design methods under Unix / Linux
Familiar with the principles of Unix / Linux operating system and skilled in using shell tools
Experience in pure memory service development system is preferred
Experience in the development of market systems and trading systems such as stocks and futures which has low latency, high availability, and high reliability features is preferred
Proficient in MySQL and Oracle databases and SQL tuning/optimization
@litor 您好,职位都需 2 年以上经验
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