PrinOrange2002's repos on GitHub
JavaScript · 2 人关注
This project provides two script files and a Canvas component, and gives examples. When inserted into HTML, the dynamic effect of fireworks exploding will pop up when the page is clicked.
TypeScript · 1 人关注
This is a simple node.js server that allows you to auto deploy github project on server with Github Webhook.
1 人关注
This repository is used to host all my blog reviews. It is implemented based on the open source project Giscus.
JavaScript · 1 人关注
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
1 人关注
The Checklist for software i18n design. This checklist is intended to provide a checklist for planning reference during the software design phase. Of course, this is just an outline.
0 人关注
ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video)
TypeScript · 0 人关注
A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
Rust · 0 人关注
划时代的字体切割工具,CJK与任何字符!支持 otf、ttf、woff2 字体多线程切割,完美地细颗粒度地进行包大小控制。A revolutionary font subetter that supports CJK and any characters! It enables multi-threaded subset of otf, ttf, and woff2 fonts, allowing for precise control over package size.
TypeScript · 0 人关注
Tokenize CSS according to the CSS Syntax
Python · 0 人关注
Free English to Chinese Dictionary Database
JavaScript · 0 人关注
A JavaScript library of Rust-binding for extracting headings (H1-H6) from HTML strings with high-profermance, providing the level, text content, and ID of each heading.
0 人关注
A RSS, Atom and JSON Feed generator for Node.js, making content syndication simple and intuitive! 🚀
TypeScript · 0 人关注
🧡 Follow your favorites in one inbox
0 人关注
slice chinese fonts into small slices
0 人关注
A comment system powered by GitHub Discussions. :octocat: :speech_balloon: :gem:
HTML · 0 人关注
Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
TypeScript · 0 人关注
Here are my notes for leetcode learning with algorithm and data structures. And I will try to solve them with C program. Sure, I also put in my thinking about the problems and some