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141 天前
回复了 pythonoliver 创建的主题 南京 经济学人经典词汇与表达
Incora Health was set up in 2022. It plans to start selling its earrings, currently in clinical trials, in a few months. “We’re first-time founders in a small city trying to change women’s health care, and that’s not lost on us,” says Theresa Gevaert, a co-founder. But the audacious young firm is part of a wave of startups that have been launched in America in the past few years. Many will fail. Some will succeed. Together they suggest change is afoot.

afoot /əˈfʊt/ 进行中的,即将发生的。例句:There are rumors afoot that the company is planning a major restructuring. (有传言称该公司正在计划一次重大重组。)
141 天前
回复了 pythonoliver 创建的主题 南京 经济学人经典词汇与表达
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