对于 x(x=1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6………n),n 最大为 65536 ,f(x)等于 1 个 32 位二进制数; f(x+1)为 f(x)的值在这个序列里面后移一位,f(x+2)为 f(x)的值在这个序列里面后移两位, 以此类推。并满足以下条件:
有兴趣的同学请留下编码的邮箱。最好以前有写过类似功能的经验。AIGC 也不太能处理,我尝试过几个模型,写出来的都不对。对需求有什么疑问也可以在下面留言,我会尽快回复。
合作的话,谈好价钱之后会要求先写 unit tests ,确认对需求的理解一致后付第一笔钱,然后再写实现代码。
这一句条件有笔误 “整个 65536 长序列中需要有一段序列,其中连续 0 和 1 的个数<=8 位;”。 应该是“整个 65536 长序列中需要每一段序列,其中连续 0 和 1 的个数<=8 位;”
另外有一个点我没有写清楚,需要提供f(x) 函数,而不是暴力的方式随机产生一个数然后验证是否符合条件。 需要给定一个32 位的序列,反向算出x,并且时间小于20ms。
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lanjun 328 天前 via Android
kalinzhang 327 天前
lz 看看这个是不是一个符合要求的串 https://pastebin.pl/view/d8bc2c6f
单元测试也可以提供 我的邮箱是 a2FyaW56aGFuZzIzIEFUIGdtYWlsLmNvbQ== |
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HDY 327 天前
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boomboom5432 327 天前
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tlxxzj 327 天前
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tlxxzj 327 天前
import sys
import os class Solution: def generate_bits(self, n: int = 65536) -> tuple[bool, list[int]]: """Generate n bits with the following constraints: 1. the diff between the number of 0s and 1s in each 32-bit number is at most 4 2. each 32-bit number is unique 3. no more than 8 consecutive 0s or 1s Args: n: the number of bits to generate, n >= 65536 Returns: A tuple of two elements: - True if the bits are successfully generated, False otherwise - A list of n bits if the bits are successfully generated, an empty list otherwise """ # increase the recursion limit sys.setrecursionlimit(max(sys.getrecursionlimit(), n * 2)) visited_nums = set() # set to store visited numbers bits = [] # list to store generated bits def dfs(i, c0, c1, diff, num: int) -> bool: """ Depth-first search to generate bits recursively Args: i: the index of the current bit c0: the number of 0s in the current 32-bit number c1: the number of 1s in the current 32-bit number diff: the diff between the number of 0s and 1s num: the current 32-bit number Returns: True if the bits are successfully generated, False otherwise """ # verify the diff between the number of 0s and 1s in each 32-bit number is at most 4 if c0 - c1 > 4 or c1 - c0 > 4 or diff > 4 or diff < -4: return False # return True if all bits are generated if i == n: return True # first 32 bits if i < 32: next_num = num * 2 # the rest bits else: next_num = (num & 0x7fffffff) * 2 # remove the leftmost bit if bits[i - 32] == 0: c0 -= 1 else: c1 -= 1 x = self.random_bit() # randomly choose 0 or 1 # if x == 0, try 0 first if x == 0 and (next_num not in visited_nums): visited_nums.add(next_num) bits.append(0) if dfs(i + 1, c0 + 1, c1, diff - 1, next_num): return True visited_nums.remove(next_num) bits.pop() # if x == 0, fallback to 1 # if x == 1, try 1 next_num += 1 if next_num not in visited_nums: visited_nums.add(next_num) bits.append(1) if dfs(i + 1, c0, c1 + 1, diff + 1, next_num): return True visited_nums.remove(next_num) bits.pop() # if x == 1, fallback to 0 next_num -= 1 if x == 1 and (next_num not in visited_nums): visited_nums.add(next_num) bits.append(0) if dfs(i + 1, c0 + 1, c1, diff - 1, next_num): return True visited_nums.remove(next_num) bits.pop() return False found = dfs(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if found and self.verify_bits(bits): return True, bits return False, bits def random_bit(self) -> int: """Generate a random bit """ return os.urandom(1)[0] & 1 def verify_bits(self, bits: list[int]) -> bool: """Verify the generated bits """ n = len(bits) # verify: the diff between the number of 0s and 1s in each 32-bit number is at most 4 for i in range(32, n+1): c1 = sum(bits[i - 32:i]) c0 = 32 - c1 if c0 - c1 > 4 or c1 - c0 > 4: print("Failed at diff constraint!") return False # verify: each 32-bit number is unique visited_nums = set() for i in range(32, n+1): num = 0 for j in range(i-32, i): num = num * 2 + bits[j] if num in visited_nums: print("Failed at unique constraint!") return False visited_nums.add(num) # verify: no more than 8 consecutive 0s or 1s c0, c1 = 0, 0 for i in range(n): if bits[i] == 0: c0 += 1 c1 = 0 else: c1 += 1 c0 = 0 if c0 > 8 or c1 > 8: print("Failed at consecutive constraint!") return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": sol = Solution() n = 65536 found, bits = sol.generate_bits(n) if found: print("Bits are successfully generated!") #print(bits) else: print("Failed to generate bits!") |
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kuber OP @boomboom5432 嗯嗯,是的。这就是一个 m 序列问题。对于没有做过的人,从头学习是挺难的。但是做过的人就很快。
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kuber OP @kalinzhang @tlxxzj 我补充了一点说明,之前可能写的不够明确。需要提供计算的 f(x), 这样能反向推算出 x
kalinzhang 326 天前
@kuber 预算是多少?我大概可以推一推,但需要看预算决定要不要花时间推导
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kuber OP @kalinzhang 能留个联系方式吗,邮箱或者微信