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Morse Code Generator: Effortlessly Generator Morse code to text and text to Morse code

  •   danielzw · 74 天前 · 340 次点击
    这是一个创建于 74 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    A free and easy to use Morse code Generator. Effortlessly Generator Morse code to text and text to Morse code, play and download the sound of Morse code.

    Translate text to Morse code

    Simply input letters, numbers, and punctuation into the top box, and the corresponding Morse code will display in the bottom box. If a character cannot be translated, '#' will be shown.

    Translate text to Morse code

    Alternatively, you can input Morse code directly into the top box using '.' for a dot and '-' for a dash. Letters should be separated by spaces, and words by '/'. The translated text will appear in the bottom box, with '#' indicating any untranslatable characters.

    Play and Download Morse code sound

    Control playback with the 'Play', 'Pause', and 'Stop' buttons. You can also download Morse code sound using the 'Download' button.

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