我媳妇被诈骗犯盯上了,邮箱里说 50 小时内赚 bts ,具体看发送时间是 18 号,我媳妇不是太爱关注邮箱今天才发现,这年头还有这样的骗局。大家还是注意一下,别被骗了 以下是内容:
Your time is ticking away.
Take a second to stop, inhale deeply, and concentrate on this message. It's crucial to give it your complete focus.
We're about to discuss a significant matter between us, and I'm absolutely not kidding.
You might not recognize me, but I'm familiar with you and at this moment, you're likely wondering how, right?
Your browsing habits have been risky - scrolling through videos, clicking links, and visiting some unsafe websites.
I deployed malware on an adult site, and you stumbled across it.
While you were streaming, your system was exposed through rdp, allowing me full access to your device.
Now I can monitor everything on your screen, remotely activate your camera and microphone, and you wouldn't even notice.
I also have complete access to your emails, contacts and other accounts.
I've been observing your activities for quite some time now. It's simply unfortunate for you that I came across what you’ve been up to.
I spent more time than necessary digging into your personal data. I've collected a significant amount of sensitive information from your device and reviewed it thoroughly. I even have recordings of you engaging in some rather questionable behavior at home. I've compiled videos and snapshots (including images of your living space) where one side displays the content you were viewing, and the other side shows you... well, let's just say you know what I mean.
With a single click, I could share this with every one of your contacts.
I understand your uncertainty, but don't expect any leniency from me.
That said, I'm prepared to let this go and allow you to carry on as if nothing ever occurred.
Here's the deal - I'm offering you two choices:
1) Ignore this message and find out what happens next. If you take this path, I'll share the video with all your contacts.
It's quite a revealing clip, and I can only imagine the humiliation you'd face when your colleagues, friends, and family view it.
But, as they say, actions have consequences. Don't position yourself as the victim here.
2) Pay me to keep this matter private. Let's refer to it as a privacy fee.
Here's the deal if you go this route: your secret remains safe, no one else will ever know.
Once I receive the payment, I'll delete everything. The payment is to be made exclusively in crypto.
I'm aiming for a resolution that works for both of us, but my terms are final and non negotiable.
Transfer $1418 US dollars to my bitcoin address:
Once the payment is made, you can rest easy knowing I keep my word.
From now on, you have only 50 hours and countdown has started once you opened this very email.
The system I've set up will automatically detect the payment and immediately delete everything I have on you.
Don't waste time responding or attempting to negotiate - it won't work.
Don't listen to those who choose to tell what happened, they are lying and avenging a ruined life because of their own stupidity.
No one will socialize and tolerate the heroes of videos from porn sites at work.
This is a crushing blow to the career and reputation of any normal person.
If I notice you've spoken to anyone about this or sought advice, the video will be sent to your contacts without hesitation.
And don't think about turning off your phone or attempting a factory reset - it won't make a difference.
I don't make errors, and I'm simply waiting for the payment.
在你观看视频的过程中,你的系统通过远程桌面协议( RDP )暴露了安全漏洞,让我完全掌控了你的设备。
具体要求如下:支付 1418 美元到以下比特币地址:
一旦付款完成,你就可以安心了,我说话算话。从现在开始,你只有 50 小时的时间倒计时,时间从你打开这封邮件的那一刻起计算。