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.so 域名要更换注册局了,续费价格会提高五六倍

  •   Showfom · 2015-05-12 22:25:45 +08:00 via iPhone · 3110 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3417 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    刚收到 1API 的邮件,六月份开始 .so 域名的注册局从原先的 GMO 更换成索马里本地的 SONIC


    Dear Reseller or Customer,

    HEXONET recently reviewed important notice (May 7, 2015) of major changes to the .SO
    registry (ccTLD of Somalia). The Registry's backend will be transitioning away from
    GMORegistry and will be moving to SONIC - Somali Network Information Center (SONIC). As a
    result, here are some important changes on the registration and management of .SO domain
    names going forward:

    June 9, 2015: HEXONET will no longer accept new registrations in .SO until further
    June 9, 2015: HEXONET will only permit 1 year renewals for existing .SO domain names
    June 9, 2015: Price Increase as follows:
    Reseller Prices: 78.54* (net price: 66.00) USD/Domain/Year
    Premium Prices: 73.78* (net price: 62.00) USD/Domain/Year
    Platinum Prices: 69.02* (net price: 58.00) USD/Domain/Year
    Restore Price will change to: 142.80* (net price: 120.00) USD/Domain/Restore
    Renewals will ONLY be for 1 year

    Please note that these changes are from the registry and HEXONET has no influence on
    these changes. According to the information received, SONIC will be introducing new
    policies and will significantly modify registration eligibility requirements, as well as,
    introduce new restrictions on content and usage. Until these new policies and
    registration requirements are revealed, SONIC will ONLY allow .SO domain renewals for now.

    HEXONET apologies for the very short notice, as we too abruptly received information from
    the .SO Registry. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
    contact us.

    With Kindest Regards,

    Your Team @ HEXONET

    HEXONET Services Inc.
    1 条回复    2015-05-12 22:42:07 +08:00
       2015-05-12 22:42:07 +08:00 via Android
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