这个学期在做 Dan Friedman 先生的课程助教。上课需要用到 Racket ,所以我写了一份简单的 Emacs 配置指南;如果你想使用 racket-mode 又还没用过 Emacs ,这份文档可能是不错的起点。如有疏漏还请不吝 Issue 和 PR :)
for all the greatness.
command to meta-enter
). This is basically equivalent with DrRacket's Run
button. If you don't like the keybinding, just modify it in init.el
cuz nobody can memorize all the emacs functions.company
for auto completion.rainbow-delimiters
so we won't need to get LASIK.paredit
is included but disabled by default.
(setq paredit-enabled nil )
to (setq paredit-enabled t )
in init.el
to activate paredit.~/.emacs.d/bkup
so you won't see annoying bla~
files in your working folder again.option
key becomes meta
= "Select All"Command-x
= "Cut", Command-c
= "Copy", and Command-v
= "Paste"Command-s
= "Save"Command-z
= "Undo"recentf-mode
: use C-x C-r
to access a list of recently edited files.$PATH
variable from your shell.