相信 V2 上很多人都用过 Wikipedia 的服务吧,以前曾经给他们捐过一些钱,昨天又收到 Wikipedia 创始人的邮件号召大家捐款维持网站的运转,今天捐了 100 元,大家有钱的出钱,没钱的帮忙宣传一下吧。
捐款地址是,可惜不支持支付宝和微信,只能用信用卡 /借记卡 /Paypal :
I launched Wikipedia 15 years ago. Now, almost a decade-and-a-half later, I have a humble request: renew your donation of $10 today so our work can continue.
15 years ago, Wikipedia was just an idea. It now holds over 37 million articles, content in more than 250 languages, thousands of active contributors, and countless people across the globe who rely on our site to learn about the world.
It ’ s a marvel what we -- what you -- have done, together.
If all our past donors simply gave again today, we wouldn't have to worry about fundraising for the rest of the year.
Wikipedia is its community. Just as our community reads, writes, and ultimately creates the site, it is individual donations that keep the servers running and the bills paid.
Without folks like you, we ’ d be back to where we were in January of 2001: at zero.
As we approach the end of this year -- and the conclusion of our annual fundraising push -- can we count on you now to renew your contribution?
Thanks, as always, for being a part of this.
Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia Founder