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(北京 招聘)友邦创新科技有限公司 Senior cross-platform Developer, 如您有兴趣或身边朋友适合岗位要求,欢迎将简历发至 [email protected]

  •   Bobo51 · 2016-07-25 17:22:42 +08:00 · 1902 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2994 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    前程无忧 现协助 友邦创新科技有限公司 招聘 Senior cross-platform Developer,
    如果您对此次发布的岗位有兴趣,或有朋友推荐,欢迎将简历发至 [email protected] ,我们会有招聘专员与您联系!

    岗位: Senior cross-platform Developer

    Job Summary:
    This position is to support the cross-platform application development, including system design, programming, unit testing, system & integration testing and UAT support.

    • Understand users ’ requirements and function specification;
    • Prepare detail technical specification;
    • Develop software applications in html5/js + cordova + IOS/Android Native framework
    • Prepare test case, conduct the unit test and system test.
    • Communicate with IT PM and user about solution and development progress

    • 4+ yrs proven industrial web application development experience, including 1+ yrs HTML5 at least
    • Bachelor or above in Computer Science or Software Engineering.
    • Experienced at popular database software, such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL
    • Good English in reading/writing/speaking will be a big plus
    • Experienced at Android or iOS is preferred

    如果您对岗位有兴趣,或有朋友推荐,欢迎将简历发至 [email protected]
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