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Namesilo 黑五活动

  •   justyy · 2016-11-23 23:23:26 +08:00 · 447 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2876 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Namesilo 黑五活动

    新注册 Code BLACKFRIDAY2016REG will discount 22.2% from any .com registration order up to $50 in savings. That is just $6.99 per year! Limit 5 uses per customer. Up to first 2,000 total redemptions. Sorry, but this is for registrations only - not renewals.

    转移 Code BLACKFRIDAY2016TRANS will discount 10% from all .com transfer orders up to $50 in savings. That is just $7.55 per transfer, and don't forget transferring adds 1 year to the current expiration date of your domains. Limit 5 uses per customer. Up to first 2,000 redemptions.

    不喜欢小尾巴的自行去掉 http://www.namesilo.com/pricing.php?rid=824b955jz

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