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HR Intern ! ! ! ! ! !

  •   MORHR · 2016-12-09 15:36:53 +08:00 · 1603 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2854 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Moran is committed to inventing the most intelligent AI agent to better assist human beings with decision making. Unlike other interactive AI technology, Moran concentrates on the speech interface to allow human beings to use a more human-like way to communicate with machine; Other than other voice based AI technologies, the key competitive advantage of Moran is NLU (Natural Language Understanding). We are trying to build an all-in-one language package of robotics, allowing the robotics not only can hear but also can understand the meaning behind the words, eventually assisting people with better decision making. Embracing with upcoming new world- IoTs, we believe there will be a better way for people to interact with machine and to retrieve the information as well. Moran is devoting to creating brand new interface of Internet of Things.

    About this Role
    This role is expected to be working with HR director to come up with talent acquisition strategy. You will be working with a tech savvy team with an open culture to speak with all the top-notch talents from all over the world.
    We are a big believer that self-motivation is the key to success. Tell us what your career dream and let ’ s talk to see if we could work with you on that goal together. We do want you to work for us, but we ’ d like you to work for yourself more!

    · Talent search and cold / warm screen calls
    · Utilize social media to engage with candidates and brand company
    · Help coordinate interviews between different time zones.
    · Communicate with candidates either in Mandarin or English
    · Help with salary negotiation, and deal closing etc.
    · Conduct the offline hiring activities to engage with talents
    · Coordinate with PR team to manage the social media platform such as LinkedIn, Wechat, Weibo to conduct branding campaign

    · Must be passionate about Artificial Intelligence industry
    · Bachelor or master degree in Human Resources
    · Willing to roll up your sleeves and wear different hats
    · Be proactive: ask questions, and think why you ask those questions
    · Fast learner: bear a can do attitude and we help you advance the skills
    · Bi-lingual skills: Mandarin and English

    · Competitive salary and potential growth
    · Opportunities to network with top-notch talents in the world
    · Experienced mentorship opportunity from sophisticated HR leadership with rich experience
    · Lots of opportunities to learn new things, not just in HR related stuff, but in business, artificial intelligence etc.

    mail to →→ [email protected]
    address :北京市海淀区王庄路 1 号清华同方科技大厦 D 座东楼 1506 室
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