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[上海] Tableau 招聘售前顾问啦

  •   JulianSun · 2016-12-31 11:32:54 +08:00 · 2498 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2831 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    2003 年成立, 2013 年上市( NYSE: DATA ),市值 60 亿美金。

    增长最快的 BI 软件公司, 2015 年在上海成立分公司。


    现招聘售前顾问一名,工作经验 3~5 年,对数据分析有着浓厚兴趣和扎实基础,对 BI 产业有了解,最好在销售环境中待过。

    请联系: [email protected]

    英文版详细 JD :

    Senior Product Consultant – Tableau Software
    Job description
    What you ’ ll be doing …
    The Senior Product Consultant is the de facto expert in Tableau Software products. This role communicates the features, capabilities, and benefits of Tableau to ensure customers choose Tableau ’ s solutions. An integral part of the sales team, this position works in a presales capacity, and helps existing customers learn about the products by designing and delivering regular training sessions. Post-sales, responsibilities include helping people make breakthrough advances with analysis to ensure adoption of Tableau Software. The Senior PC must quickly turn-around prospect requests with stunning visuals published to our YouTube-style platform. Some of the things you ’ ll be doing include …
    • Use Tableau ’ s products to quickly and expertly generate compelling, interactive visualizations using Tableau Public
    • Provide presales support for prospects including data review, product demonstrations and analytic problem solving
    • Be an expert in the features, benefits and application of Tableau ’ s products
    • Communicate via phone, email, face-to-face and web meetings with prospects assisting and guiding them through the evaluation and selection process
    • Communicate daily with sales staff regarding sales activities and tactics
    • Deliver and design web-based, on site and public, training sessions for customers and prospects
    • Other related duties as assigned

    Who you are …
    • Conviction and Commitment . You have an unshakable belief that Tableau ’ s products will improve the world – one person at a time. Once you get it, you go all the way.
    • Technically Savvy. You don ’ t shy away from opportunities to get into technology – and you can learn it quickly.
    • Go-Getter. Willing to go the extra mile with a strong work ethic; self-directed and resourceful.
    • Energy and Creativity. Energy and enthusiasm are your hallmarks. You think out-of-the-box and wow people with your interesting angles and quality work. You love the creative process – whether that ’ s selling to a new customer or building relationship with an existing customer
    • A True Team Player. You ’ re a leader and you know that to get the best results, you also have to be a great team player.
    • Experienced. 4+ years presales or relevant working experience. BS (or advanced degree) in Science, Engineering, Business, Economics or Finance
    • Service Minded. You deliver customer support like you expect to receive it; with excellence.
    • Cross Cultural Experience. You have experience relating to customers from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
    • Technical Savvy. You ’ re experienced with relevant technologies: Databases, SQL queries, HTML and embed code, visual analytics, APIs, business intelligence tools, JavaScript
    • Vertical Expertise. You demonstrate business expertise in one or more lines of business (marketing, retail, government, etc.) and can confidently provide industry specific solutions.
    • You are a Recruiter! Tableau hires company builders and, in this role, you will be asked to be on the constant lookout for the best talent to bring onboard to help us continue to build one of the best companies in the world
    3 条回复    2017-01-03 13:18:33 +08:00
       2016-12-31 18:17:09 +08:00   ❤️ 1
       2017-01-01 20:27:48 +08:00
    @szanlin 不好意思 这不是销售职位 这是售前顾问职位
       2017-01-03 13:18:33 +08:00
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