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以技术和从不加班著称的 网络安全公司 Nexusguard 招聘 Senior Data Scientist / 大数据研发科学家

  •   NXG2017 · 2017-08-28 11:27:48 +08:00 · 2072 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2595 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Nexusguard 是防禦全球 DDoS (分散式阻斷服務)攻擊的長期領導廠商,站在對抗網路惡意攻擊的最前線,保護全球組織的網站、服務和信譽免於來自網路的威脅。我們配備專業的工具、洞見和知識,保護客戶的重要商業系統抵擋各種入侵,並且持續進步,有效防禦最新攻擊。

    As a longtime leader in DDoS defense, Nexusguard is at the forefront of the fight against malicious Internet attacks, protecting organizations worldwide from threats to their websites, services, and reputations. Continually evolving to face new threats as they emerge, we have the tools, insight, and know-how to protect our clients ’ vital business systems no matter what comes their way.


    Responsible for investigating/applying machine/deep learning on network security analysis. KEY ACCOUNTABILITY AREA

    • Using data-driven methodology to improve the product operation efficiency, including reduce false alert, auto baseline and others.

    • Detect advanced threat detection by using machine/ deep learning technology.

    • Great problem solver, be able to give simple and clear solution for complex problems.

    • Bachelor (or above) degree major in Computer Science or related.

    Job-Relevant Experience:

    • 3 ~ 5 years working experience, including at least 2 years data mining/ machine learning experience.

    • Solid developing skill on data ETL, modeling, and visualizing by using python, java.

    • Working experience on Hadoop data analysis platform (Spark, Flink and etc).

    • Familiar with common machine learning algorithm is a must.

    • Familiar with network security is a big plus.

    • Good English spoken and written skills.

    • Self driven and make-it-happen personality

    酷炫福利 Benefits

    重金打造培训体系(技术 /PMP/英语)

    领导好 员工活动及境内外旅游 带薪年假 30 天 弹性上班 六险一金 正规管理 加班约等于零多 技术氛围超级佳 员工健身环境超棒



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