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北京·FreeWheel 招聘 Support Engineer(English Native Speaker)

  •   LindaWang · 2017-11-08 15:00:51 +08:00 · 1106 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2520 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    不知道在帝都的 ABC 或者歪果仁有没有兴趣来公司做 Support Engineer,有完善的业务培训,直接和全球的大客户打交道。重点是英语好,能听懂客户的各种问题(包括口语或者俚语)。小伙伴们帮忙扩散啊,欢迎推荐!
    推荐渠道: [email protected]

    FreeWheel Global Support is the service delivery leader in the Advertising Management Industry for Premium Video. Support Engineers help Customers drive success in the new TV ecosystem. The team ’ s contribution is White Glove Service and our product is knowledgeable, empowered customers who champion the FreeWheel brand

    Excellent Customer Experience is delivered through system analysis, solution delivery, and White Glove services. Support Engineers articulate product solutions and market concepts to a mixed skillset of End-users. Using customer requirements, the team develops use cases for Engineering improvements, contributes to product documentation, and provides training to the teams we support.
    For the right candidate, this position will allow for tremendous growth and the opportunity to deliver enterprise-level Customer value to industry leaders in the TV ecosystem.  Some travel, 10-25%, will be needed. On-call rotational work on some nights, weekends, and during live events is expected.
    • Grow into a Subject Matter Expert in market-leading technologies.
    • Advocate for Customer Success throughout the organization.
    • Train customers to succeed on the FreeWheel platform.

    Support Engineers are thorough, deconstructing complex problems and building comprehensive solutions. We enjoy working with people and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Demonstrable experience solving complex problems using technical tools like SQL and scripting languages is appreciated and useful. The organization values the ability to quickly adapt and learn new technology.
    • Must be Native English speaker or on a similar level.
    • A Computer Science, Engineering, or related major will be an advantage.
    • “ Be like water, my friend ” and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

    You are:
    • A creative thinker who thrives on solving complex problems, delivering elegant product solutions, and balancing evolving priorities.
    • Excited about facing new challenges, comfortable contributing to the direction of the team, and seeking guidance from management and peers.
    • Intrigued by Premium Video and the opportunity to make a deep impact on the future of Television.
    • A forward-thinking optimist who appreciates of a good cat gif.
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