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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[FreeWheel] [高级技术经理] 核心广告算法团队

  •   LindaWang · 2018-06-12 14:37:19 +08:00 · 1102 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2305 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    要的就是你,走过路过不容错过的好坑———— FreeWheel 北京研发中心·核心广告算法团队招聘高级技术经理(团队管理+项目管理+技术管理)。

    简历投递到这里: [email protected]

    o Be responsible for overall performance of the team, work with PM and Engineer management to schedule release items, keep track of progress; work with other teams on coordination to release on time with high quality.
    o Identifying and controlling the risks on execution, identify solutions, and escalate and alert senior management team when complex problems arise.
    o Be responsible for overall operational Excellency of the application group. Follow up on operational related item investigation, resolutions. Work with Operation group to ensure the maintainability and uptime of the apps.
    o Lead, grow, mentor and motivate team members, identify and grow talents, creating proper career track for individuals and help them accomplish personal development goal. Provide effective performance review for individuals, help them identify areas with development needs. Effectively hire, retain, grow teams, including managing up and managing out.

    o Master Degree and above in relevant technical fields
    o 6 years and above in hands on technical position and 2 to 4 years in technical leadership position. Prior management experience required
    o Was technically and operationally responsible for one or more critical applications or application groups with good track records excellent track records in leading, mentoring and growing team members.
    o Excellent track records in accurate judgment in talents. Be responsible for leading a multi-function team and act as a liaison to other functional teams.
    o Fluent in speak, write, read English; English as the method in communication can accomplish the same goal in native language
    o In-depth knowledge and hands on experience with multiple technical languages. In-depth knowledge and hands on experience with multiple technical architectures within and outside of the company
    o Experience with machine learning / deep learning is a good plus.
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