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有人用 new google sites 这个产品吗?

  •  1
  •   pingpingping · 2018-06-19 10:03:38 +08:00 · 2871 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2286 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    • 你们都是怎么用的?
    • 用了独自域名了么?
    • 版本管理和导出功能貌似不提供?
    • 谷歌家以后会砍掉这个产品不?
    2 条回复    2019-05-10 10:44:01 +08:00
       2018-06-19 10:10:22 +08:00
       2019-05-10 10:44:01 +08:00
    2018 年 11 月开始,G Suite 以外也支持独立域名了,


    Use a custom URL for your site
    You can use your custom URL with a site on new Google Sites by creating a web address mapping.

    Step 1: Check that you own your URL
    Go to google.com/webmasters/verification.

    Look under "Properties."
    If you don ’ t see your URL, click Add a property.
    If you see your URL, move to Step 2.
    Enter your URL.
    Click Continue.
    Follow the onscreen steps.
    Click Verify.
    Note: To use custom URLs, you must be the owner of a site on Google Sites and it must be published. Learn how to publish your Google site.

    Step 2: Update your URL on your host site
    For your custom URL to map to your site on new Google Sites, you need to create a CNAME entry with your domain host, like Google Domains, GoDaddy, or InMotion.

    Note: These steps may be different depending on your host site. For more help, go to your domain host ’ s help site.

    Go to your domain host.
    Create a new CNAME entry.
    Enter the subdomain name, for example, the "www" of www.YourURL.com.
    Type in the host name ghs.googlehosted.com. This will point your URL to your Google site.
    Step 3: Assign your custom URL
    On a computer, open a site in new Google Sites.
    At the top, click More More and then Custom URLs.
    Enter your custom URL.
    Click Assign.
    Note: You can add up to 5 URLs to your Google site.

    You ’ ve reached the maximum number of URLs for this domain: There is a limit of 20 mappings made per week for your URL.
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