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美资电商 Coupang(韩国电商巨头)在上海办公室招 Chief Architect(大数据方向)

  •   IcyinCoupang · 2018-07-30 14:53:09 +08:00 · 3007 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2259 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    美资电商 Coupang (韩国亚马逊),上海办公室招 Chief Architect (大数据方向),地址:浦东地铁 2 号线金科路站长泰广场。 工作环境好,技术大牛多,海外培训出差机会多(硅谷,首尔),弹性工作制,技术氛围很浓厚。

    要求:英文口语流利,沟通好,8 年左右 Java 开发经验,2-3 年大数据开发经验,愿意落地做开发钻研技术。

    如果有兴趣,欢迎加微信:littleicybingbing,或者直接发简历到 [email protected]

    Chief Architect - Fraud Detection System (Director or Sr. Manager level) Coupang is one of the largest and fastest growing e-commerce platforms on the planet. Our mission is to create a world in which Customers ask, “ How did I ever live without Coupang?” We are looking for passionate builders to help us get there. Powered by world-class technology and operations, we have set out to transform the end-to-end Customer experience -- from revolutionizing last-mile delivery to rethinking how Customers search and discover on a truly mobile-first platform. We have been named one of the “ 50 Smartest Companies in the World ” by MIT Technology Review and “ 30 Global Game Changers ” by Forbes. Coupang is a global company with offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, Seattle, Seoul, Shanghai, and Silicon Valley. Who are We? FDS (Fraud Detection System) protects online transactions from fraudsters and abusers. We build highly sophisticated and analytics-based systems and services that scan massive amounts of transaction-related data (buyer, seller, payment, etc.) to uncover underlying correlations and detect fraud and abuse patterns, as well as tools and processes for operation teams to investigate and act on these. A robust FDS protects Coupang ’ s brand and image, prevents negative impacts to Customers and Sellers and reduces revenue loss. Our mission is to ensure that every transaction is trusted, safe, and protected from fraud. We build the brand image that Coupang is a trustworthy place to buy things and do business. By leveraging state-of-the-art Big Data technologies and machine learning expertise, we try to build a data-driven culture for fraud detection and risk management. We believe in the machine learning approach to fight fraudsters and protect our customers, and are the early adopters for Big Data and Machine Learning technologies at scale in the industry. We view Big Data and Machine Learning as our core strengths. We are a truly blended group with both aspired technologists and data scientists. Advanced analytics powered by strong engineering muscles creates solutions to one of the most compelling battles for e-Commerce company like Coupang. We ’ re the modern detectives hunting for fraudulent activities, but only with better weapons in our hands. Responsibilities: • Act as the chief architect/senior technical leader of the team throughout the software development life cycle • Lead team to develop high performance big data framework • Collaborate with product owners, stakeholders and other agile teams on business and product strategy from a technical and architectural perspective; • Collaborate with data scientist, verify and implement data models to realize automatic and accurate fraud detection; improve the risk management level of E-commerce/payment platforms; • Analyze information acquired and compare solutions and weigh them against the actual needs; provide root cause analysis affecting key business problems; • Play an active role in company-wide technical strategy; Qualifications: • Masters/PhDs in CS machine learning, Statistics, Applied Math or a quantitative field; • 10+ years software development experience with at least 5 years proven track record acting as the architect/leader/manager of mission critical enterprise software/e-commerce solutions • Excellent communication and presentation skills • Expert at one or more of program languages (JAVA, Scala, C, C++, etc.); • Experience in operation and development in Hadoop and other leading big data ecosystem (Spark, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie); • Experience with SQL (MySQL/Oracle/MSSQL/DB2 etc) &NoSQL(Redis/Cassandra/HBase/MongoDB); • Passion to learn new technologies • Will work with colleagues in Silicon Valley and Seoul. Overseas travel is required. • Fluent spoken and written English

    1 条回复    2018-08-02 14:11:32 +08:00
       2018-08-02 14:11:32 +08:00
    Coupang 中国招聘
    * 低风险偏好者的福音,我们是盈利的电商

    Coupang 是一家美资投资到韩国,在韩国起家的一家电商公司。Coupang 成立于 2010 年,起初是以团购为主业务,之后成功转型,从事实物商品的网上销售。目前是世界上发展最快的电商之一。2010 年成立,2012 年实现收支平衡,2013 年网站商品交易总额突破 10 亿美元,2014 年初从硅谷风险投资公司红杉资本和对冲基金得到融资 1 亿美元,年底由私募公司黑石集团牵头,完成 3 亿美元的融资,从此估值迈入 20 亿美元俱乐部!
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