V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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V2EX  ›  酷工作


  •   AILondon · 2019-01-28 18:31:54 +08:00 · 1620 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2153 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    We are a UK government invested company, and the management team has strong experiences in the past at world-leading organisations such as Blackstone ($457billion AuM) and Deutsche Bank. We also have successful serial entrepreneurial experiences distributing digital products globally with products received outstanding feedback on Forbes and Sky News.

    • 与团队成员沟通产品的设计和需求;
    • 设计、开发、测试和部署网页应用;
    • Develop and add new functions to our existing web app and services, with good knowledge and experiences on best practice in data infrastructure, data and cyber security
    • Play a key role in the build, code, deployment and maintenance of our web app
    • Incorporate input from the UX-team within the scope of a user-centric perspective
    • You will communicate closely with the business and engineering teams as well as our business users and drivers towards understanding the needs of our end-users
    • Thoroughly document implemented code

    • 代码洁癖:对代码的整洁,命名的规范,模块架构的简洁,开发工具和环境的效率有着超出常人的要求;
    • 有独立开发完整网页应用的经验;
    • 独立设计和实现过服务器和数据库架构,对系统的稳定性和延展性有自己的理解;
    • Ideally received Bachelor ’ s or Master ’ s degree in Computer Science or related degree
    • You already have several years of experience in developing, testing, debugging and deploying commercial web applications
    • Proficient with Object-Oriented Programming and implementing it ideally with Typescript and Python
    • Knowledge of Angular 2+, HTML, CSS (Sass) and a responsive web design using a framework such as Material Design
    • Knowledge of using and modelling a NoSQL database such as MongoDB.
    • Familiarity with API design, preferably using RESTful principles.
    • Have strong hands-on programming skills, and are passionate about creating smart, maintainable and efficient code
    • You strive for quality and standard of excellence; you have excellent analytical skills and a strong attention to details
    • You take ownership of and responsibility on what you are working on, and are able to deliver without constant supervision
    • You take instructions carefully, have a strong work ethic and are curious
    • You are a team player who can communicate fluently in English (spoken and written form)
    • You act proactively, independently, with integrity and have an optimistic, honest and passionate personality
    • You are willing to innovate and optimize our apps for next million users
    • Knowledge in data science, machine learning and natural language processing is a plus
    • Preferably you have some projects you can point to

    • Salary commensurate with experience (including semi-annual discretionary bonus)
    • Equity stock option
    • Can work from home
    • Strong focus on your development
    • Travel internationally to the UK and the US
    • Free tea and coffee in the UK office
    简历投递邮箱 [email protected], 并注上微信或 Skype 号
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