Google Translator Toolkit to be shut down on December 4, 2019
从研究生到现在工作,一直在用,还支持 vi 的快捷模式; 准确率高,基本稍微改改就行;不知道有没有高质量的替代品哟
Hello, Google Translator Toolkit launched over a decade ago to help our users, translators, and the world create and share translations. When we first launched, there were few web-based options for translation editors, but now there are many great tools available, including Google Translate, which will continue to be available and is unaffected by this. As a result, we've seen declining usage for Translator Toolkit over the past few years. So now, after many years and billions of words translated, we're saying goodbye to Translator Toolkit. A warm thank you to our users around the world. Download your data Prior to the shutdown on December 4, 2019, your data can be downloaded directly in Translator Toolkit (see how). Shortly after shutdown, you can download all of your data at Google Takeout. Delete, share, or unshare your data If you would like to share or unshare your data, this can be done prior to shutdown directly in Translator Toolkit (see how). To delete data that you own in Translator Toolkit, simply select the Glossaries, Translation Memories, or Translations you would like to delete and click Delete. For Translations, you also need to click Trash, select translations, and click Empty trash. Thank you for supporting Translator Toolkit over the years. To learn more, visit our Help Center. Sincerely, The Google Translator Toolkit team