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  •   jessica427 · 2019-11-03 09:34:06 +08:00 · 1512 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1706 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hardware Engineer

    Are you a Maker at heart? Do you love solving problems in a simple and elegant way? Then come and join us since that is what we love to do! The employer is a creative tech house based in Gothenburg and Shenzhen, taking on projects from global companies in parallel with launching own ventures, always challenging the status quo. A diverse team with talented designers and developers, we strive to help our clients develop innovative concepts into digital and tangible products.

    Job location: Shekou, Shenzhen, China 深圳市南山区荔园路 9 号

    Task and Role
    You will be working in a compact team in Shekou, Shenzhen, with projects ranging from automotive to consumer electronics, and:
    ● Designing and implementing hardware solutions
    ● Building prototypes to quickly verify solution
    ● Bringing prototypes to small-scale mass production
    ● Get in early in The employer team in Shenzhen and help grow the team

    Your core competency
    ● Can make basic level PCBs, no high frequency or balanced designs necessary
    ● Experience in hands-on development and troubleshooting different microcontroller solutions
    ● Can solder and build prototypes on SMT and through-hole
    ● Can use logic analyzer and oscilloscope and similar to do troubleshooting and reverse-engineering
    ● Knowledge of reading schematics and data sheets for components
    ● Experience designing for various certification requirements
    ● Understand problems clearly, break them down into hypotheses, propose and verify solutions
    ● Fluent in English since you will be working in a multi-national team

    Even better if you also have knowledge of
    ● Experience with Nordic Semiconductor modules
    ● Basic knowledge in C or C++ programming for embedded systems
    ● Vehicle bus systems, for example: CAN, LIN, MOST and similar

    We take pride in our hiring approach, where we consider your professional and personal experience and skills first and foremost, rather than simply looking at your formal qualifications.

    How to Apply

    email to [email protected]

    Include a motivation to why you would like to work with us. Also include your updated CV with relevant education and work experience.
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