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苏州星湖街美资上市公司, 招 Lead Application Support

  •   Guesswe · 2019-12-24 10:40:17 +08:00 · 2285 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1651 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    地点: 苏州工业园区星湖街 328 号创意产业园 职位: Lead Application Support

    工作内容: • Lead a team to participate in monitoring and maintenance of business applications, production environment and respond to exceptions by initiating the correct actions to meet the highest availability targets • Gain in-depth knowledge about business applications and their interactions in order to identify and analyze problems • Make suggestions for improvements and participate in the implementation of approved improvements throughout the supported applications architecture • Establish the ITIL/ITSM processes, train teams and contribute to process improvement • Responsible for delivering enhancements on existing application systems according to the customers signed-off specifications/requirements • Monitor and maintain application systems health performance to ensure stable system, processes are in good shape, and with minimal business operations interruption. If need be, modifies the solution / applications systems to improve performance, if there are any signs of degradation of the service or the solution / application systems • Provide software technical support to client and external users including vendor software package support or product upgrades, and cooperate with development team and project PM to manage delivery • Perform root cause analysis, and identify, implement and document corrective and preventative actions measures for escalated issues • Resolve issues regarding online transactions, system status and procedures, downtime procedures in accordance with the SLA • Perform other related duties as assigned


    1. 本科或以上,IT 背景
    2. 6 年以上经验,带领过团队
    3. 熟悉 Service desk 跟 ticketing software
    4. 精通软件环境支持,操作系统,数据库
    5. 优秀的软件流程优化经验
    6. ITIL 以及 ITSM 证书
    7. 优秀的英语口语能力,可作为日常工作语言


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