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2019, The year of Mental Health Apps

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  •   Cypherpunksri · 2019-12-26 18:21:59 +08:00 · 3902 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1741 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    If you believe in new year resolutions and have tried to keep up with the resolution that you have taken on new years eve, then 2020 will also be special for you. New year resolutions have always been about improving yourself and adding that one new habit or thing or activity that can make your life better in the long run.

    One of the growing concerns across the globe has been the mental health epidemic. Countries one after another are announcing measures to tackle mental health challenges. Some Governments have gone as far as to keep a separate ministry/department to focus on the issue. The tech world has come up with its set of solutions and one of the key things has been the growth and spread of gratitude journal, meditation and mindfulness apps to strengthen mental health.

    Gratitude journal is a simple entry that one makes to express one’s gratitude for the life that we have had. It is all about appreciating the present and being thankful for the gifts bestowed on us by the universe. Research has shown that maintaining a gratitude journal enhances positivity, improves self esteem and reduces stress. A gratitude journal app works on the nudge theory that slowly helps the user to change his/her behaviour and adopt gratitude journaling as a habit in their lives. Some of the coolest gratitude journals which can one start with in 2020 are here.


    Thinkup helps you develop positive mindset through positive affirmations and self talk. Users can tap into professionally-curated positive affirmations or record their own voice. It also allows you to personalize your journey to a great extent.


    Gratitude is your personal journal app where you can write about things that you are grateful for. It sends you a text and one can reply based on our sense of gratitude.

    New Gratitude Journal

    New Gratitude Journal app helps you track five things that you’re grateful for every day. A mixture of reminders and rewards help create a journaling habit.

    Inner Peace

    Inner Peace is a decentralized gratitude journal built on Blockstack platform. It allows you to store your entries on the decentralized web. Inner Peace is the first one that is built on the blockchain (as far as we know), focusing on helping you find time to calm and unwind your mind. And most importantly, it respects your privacy.


    Reflectly is your personal health companion which taps into artificial intelligence to help one structure and reflect upon their daily thoughts and problems.

    As you end 2019, you can look into these apps and choose the one that fits your specs and decide. 2020 will begin with a bang and will be much better than 2019 when it comes to your mental health.

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