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Dapp Ecosystem - Blockstack 2.0

  •   yaqin05 · 2020-01-31 17:18:50 +08:00 · 4979 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1732 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    The dapp ecosystem continues to grow reaffirming the promise of a more decentralized and transparent web in the coming years. User traction vis-a-vis central actors still a far fetched thing but slowly one is able to separate the good actors from con artists. One such good actor in this space is Blockstack who have recently made the announcement to launch their testnet.

    Blockstack has been actively building a platform that will shape the future of the web. In this endeavour a key role has been played by the dapps that have been built on this platform over the past few years. The adoption of these dapps or apps is the litmus test that they are yet to pass but nevertheless in terms of the sheer interest from the developer community they are on the right track.

    New apps keep featuring in this ecosystem every month and they have created an interesting model to incentivise the old developers and at the same time attract new developers. The apps are being classified across various categories like storage, productivity tool, social media, etc. The apps continue their development roadmap and are incentivised based on their performance which are reviewed by independent reviewers.

    DCAST is an app that is your private podcast manager and player. Fictionbook app is a creative writing tool that allows authors to save their work on decentralized web. pNotes is A free, open-source, and end-to-end encrypted note-taking app. Keysafe app allows you to store your keys on the decentralized web and all at one place. Clickbox is a decentralized bookmark manager. Copypaste app is a decentralized version of google keep.

    These apps are all at the initial stages of development and are currently lagging behind their central counterparts in terms of offerings, user experience, etc. The apps will evolve over time and if the overall decentralized ecosystem develops further, then we can very well see success stories emerge from this pool.

    第 1 条附言  ·  2020-02-19 21:06:00 +08:00
    The dapp ecosystem continues to grow reaffirming the promise of a more decentralized and transparent web in the coming years. User traction vis-a-vis central actors still a far fetched thing but slowly one is able to separate the good actors from con artists.

    Blockstack has been actively building a platform that will shape the future of the web. In this endeavour a key role has been played by the dapps that have been built on this platform over the past few years. The adoption of these dapps or apps is the litmus test that they are yet to pass but nevertheless in terms of the sheer interest from the developer community they are on the right track.

    New apps keep featuring in this ecosystem every month and they have created an interesting model to incentivise the old developers and at the same time attract new developers. The apps are being classified across various categories like storage, productivity tool, social media, etc. The apps continue their development roadmap and are incentivised based on their performance which are reviewed by independent reviewers.

    DCAST is an app that is your private podcast manager and player. Fictionbook app is a creative writing tool that allows authors to save their work on decentralized web. pNotes is A free, open-source, and end-to-end encrypted note-taking app. Keysafe app allows you to store your keys on the decentralized web and all at one place. Clickbox is a decentralized bookmark manager. My Photo Album app is a decentralised photo storage app. Copypaste app is a decentralized version of google keep.

    These apps are all at the initial stages of development and are currently lagging behind their central counterparts in terms of offerings, user experience, etc. The apps will evolve over time and if the overall decentralized ecosystem develops further, then we can very well see success stories emerge from this pool.
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