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Jawbone ERA美版*2
包装为white box:
Bluetooth wireless headsets may be sold in a White Box Pack, instead of the original retail packing, if you buy from online stores. However, it is in no way indicating that the product is used or substandard.
In fact, White Box Packaging simply means that the Bluetooth headset comes in a white box, but not like those usual packages you see in a retail store. The seller or supplier may source the product directly from service carriers, hence leaving out the original packing. Bluetooth headsets sold in White Box Pack are normally cheaper since the packaging cost is reduced.(有关包装的解释,因为是从美帝购买的)
2 条回复 • 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
zhangzhang 2013-04-01 18:33:40 +08:00