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V2EX  ›  酷工作

🔥[新加坡] [技术移民机会] 知名大型独角兽互联网公司,寻找大数据平台技术负责人,数据产品经理 ,数据平台性能优化工程师,研究工程师等职位

  •   ly1574 · 2020-07-02 17:51:46 +08:00 · 931 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1715 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    新加坡税极低,比如税前折合人民币 100 万,在没做减免项扣除的情况下,税后 90 万左右( 894250 );年薪越高跟国内税率差距越大。

    有意可发简历到: [email protected]

    寻找大数据平台技术负责人,数据产品经理 ,数据平台性能优化工程师,研究工程师等职位;更多职位信息可以加我微信了解:sophia_liu611

    Tech Lead, Data Platform

    Job Description
    1. Build cutting-edge data systems to handle a huge amount of data every day, to empower products. Your contributions will impact hundreds of millions of users worldwide.
    2. Lead a team of proactive developers, to tackle very large- scale data processing problems, i.e. to process EB-level user behavioural data within seconds.
    3. Equipped with a product-oriented mindset, deeply understand domain knowledge from product to business, to efficiently enabling various data analysis scenarios across the whole of our products.
    4. Provide tech consulting in data domain.

    1. Understand principles of distributed systems, able to think clearly, and quickly deep dive into problems and solve them.
    2. Deep understanding or good track record in at least one existing OLAP system, for example, Hive/Kylin/Presto/ClickHouse/Spark/Hadoop.
    3. Good communication skill, able to lead and drive projects effectively.
    4. Familiar with project management methodologies and approach, and strong understanding in the technical delivery life cycle.
    5. Aim for the highest, always thrive to deliver the best-in-class outcomes.

    Data Product Manager

    1. Our mission is to create a high-performance enterprise cloud data warehouse that empowers our customers to make efficient and real-time data-driven decisions
    2. You will have a worldwide perspective and be part of the talented Data Platform team of shaping next game-changer
    3. Engage with internal and enterprise customers to understand their needs
    4. Build a product roadmap that drives both internal and enterprise adoption
    5. Bridge technical and business team, working on product management of multiple kinds of data applications to support data-driven decision-making
    6. Break down complex problems into steps and drive product improvement to meet customers' expectations

    1. Bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field (or equivalent professional work experience)
    2. At least 2 years of experience in product management for data applications
    3. Experience working on GTM strategy and implementation
    4. Experience working with an open-source community
    5. Understanding of massively parallel processing (MPP) data systems and their unique abilities and challenges
    6. Ability to understand enterprise customers' needs, and a desire to drive solutions to their problems
    7. Preferred qualification: At least 1 year of experience in Enterprise-grade product management
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