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🔥[新加坡] [技术移民机会]新加坡知名大型上市互联网公司,寻找 Senior Architect Expert, Head of Devops 及资深或专家级音视频工程师

  •   ly1574 · 2020-07-20 15:02:55 +08:00 · 927 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1697 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    新加坡税极低,比如税前折合人民币 100 万,在没做减免项扣除的情况下,税后 90 万左右( 894250 );年薪越高跟国内税率差距越大。
    公司提供 18 天年假,14 天带薪病假,6 天育儿假,14 天法定节假日。无政治性加班,加班可调休,更好的工作与生活的平衡状态。提供高涨幅潜力的上市股票
    公司提供 EP (新加坡专业人士工作准证),提供配偶和子女的 DP (家属准证,配偶可在新加坡工作)。


    有意可发简历到: [email protected]

    Senior Architect Expert

    Role description:
    As a Senior Architect Engineer, you are responsible for developing a robust and reliable structure for our business product.
    You will work with our existing server and other engineers to analyze the needs, select the applicable technologies, design and implement the system as a solid foundation for the product's stability and reliability.

    Job Description
    - Deeply analyze and identify the engineering needs of business, provide applicable and optimal solutions to the team
    - Work closely with the engineering team to solve technical bottlenecks
    - Ensuring building plans, prototypes, and structures are operating safely, efficiently, and reliably
    - Keep testing and evaluating building systems to find problems and improvements
    - Reading, interpreting, and explaining complex technical documents, keep researching on the latest practical technologies and introduce to the team
    - Explore and build up more systems to meet the potential needs of future growths

    Job Requirements
    - In-depth understanding of Computer Science, system design and operation
    - Up-to-date knowledge of industry trends, technology, codes, and regulations
    - Rich experienced in large-scale systems, able to analyze, select or design technical solutions for the company
    - In-depth understanding of systems architecture stability, extensibility,
    - Experience in enterprise communication and collaboration platform will be a flus
    - Expertise in video and voice processing systems will be a flus
    - Good team working and communication skills

    Head of DevOps

    Role description:
    As the Head of DevOps engineer, you are the key to ensure the availability and reliability of our services.
    You will lead and work with our existing DevOps team and Infrastructure Team to manage thousands of servers which serve our millions users, and push our service to the next level for meeting the company’s fast growth.

    Job Description
    - Oversee the day -to-day activities among the R&D department, fully responsible for the service availability and reliability
    - Command and mange the DevOps team to handle daily trouble diagnosis, removal and follow-ups, safeguard the engineering environment for our business
    - Refine the current workflows and practices of DevOps team, keep lowering down the risk of systems and improving the service quality in the meanwhile
    - Dig out the potential needs of our company, lead the DevOps team to design and build up more tools for meeting the company future growth
    - Responsible for the reduction or removal of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the DevOps team, promote team members’ growth

    Job Requirements
    - In-depth understanding of operating systems, networks, and other computer science fundamentals
    - Rich hands-on experience in DevOps, familiar with DevOps tech stacks (e.g. Nginx, Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker), networking and server management
    - With the ability to analyze, select and design the proper DevOps solutions for the company
    - With decent team management and communication skills, 5+ years experience of managing a DevOps team of more than 5-people
    - Has great insights and understandings about DevOps technologies, be able to import and apply new tech-stacks for the team

    音视频资深 /专家级工程师

    - 开发音视频实时通信解决方案;
    - 负责实时音视频服务的系统设计、开发和架构优化;
    - 设计和开发 WebRTC 实时通信服务器、流媒体网关,支持高并发和扩展;
    - 负责在不同网络环境下的实时音视频通信质量的调优;
    - 负责实时音视频传输网络的全球节点的部署与智能调度;
    - WebRTC 中的音视频引擎、音频处理算法、音视频编解码算法的研究与实现;
    - 实时网络传输算法研究,包括流量控制、重传等;
    - 负责其他音视频传输算法以及相关技术的研究与实现。

    - 计算机相关专业,5 年以上的相关工作经验;
    - 熟悉常见的网络协议,HTTP,TCP 、UDP 等,熟悉音视频实时传输的网络传输;
    - 有音视频引擎的实际开发经验,掌握音视频流输入、输出方法,对音视频流在设备之间的传递效率和管理有深刻认识;
    - 熟悉 WebRTC 等音视频工具;
    - 有语音相关算法优化经验者优先;
    - 具备大型实时音视频项目开发以及调优经验优先;
    - 有较强的沟通能力及团队协作能力。
    1 条回复    2020-07-21 15:39:09 +08:00
       2020-07-21 15:39:09 +08:00
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