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收到邮件:有人正在尝试就 XXXX.com 事宜联系你。我应不应该涨价

  •   Myprincess · 2020-10-17 00:20:08 +08:00 · 333 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1454 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我们收到了一个请求,有人希望联系您并询问您在 GoDaddy 注册的 XXXXX.com 事宜。这种联系方式旨在为对您的域名感兴趣的人提供与您联系的途径,同时仍然保持您的联系信息的私密性。

    根据 ICANN 规则的要求,我们需要将这些类型的请求转发给您,但您没有回复义务。

    请记住,我们没有关于这些联系人的合法性的信息,并且已知诈骗者会试图冒充 GoDaddy 或其他公司。在查看或回复来自第三方的未经请求的消息时,请务必谨慎。如果您决定要回复此消息,请注意您是要直接回复与 GoDaddy 没有联系的第三方。

    我原来的价格是 2 万美金,但是前几天降价到 1 万美金。他问我要不要卖 。我应不应该涨价。
    4 条回复    2020-10-23 11:19:24 +08:00
       2020-10-17 08:23:45 +08:00

    Our offer has been finally verified by SEDO so we can write each other direct now. Since it's a SEDO certified offer you will be protected during the transaction.

    My name is Elizabeth Kristiansen. I work as a broker of International merchants in a merchant provider company - Authorize Inc.(Norwegian Subsidiary). We help our VIP clients to establish a business online (secure domain, develop a web site and establsih our payment system). I will help you to finish the sale of your domain.

    I represent a buyer - a company from Bergen. They want to use it to drive more traffic to their new web project. Commission of our company is only six percents. It's paid when you get the money.

    They will pay you via the Escrow / Swiss Escrow service. You can be paid via wire, Paypal, check or any other method you prefer.

    The buyer offers $60,000 usd.

    Do you have a certificate? It's required by their bank.

    The final sale price will depend on the certificate ($60,000 minimum - if it comes higher they will pay more).

    If you don't have the certificate it's not a problem. You can order it online.

    Please note he cannot accept it from any agency. He needs a manual service. It also must be a third party independent agency (not your broker our auction site) and must be accepted by his bank.

    The certification includes the following:

    1. Independent valuation of the market price. It will show your domain name is not overpriced. On the other hand if the valuation comes higher, he will increase the price accordingly. In the domain name industry, there are many appraisal tools that people use to estimate the value of a domain name. My client does not want to risk and doesn't accept services that use scripts. If you are unsure about some service feel free to ask me.

    2. TM and law compliance verification. It proves your domain has no trademark problems. He would like this verification to be included in the appraisal report. It's not a problem because some companies include the TM verification for free.

    3. Copy in Norwegian.

    The process is very easy:

    1. Go to the certificate agency site and order a certificate. Just submit your domains and let them know you have a buyer with $XX,XXX offer. It will help you to get a better valuation.

    If your domain is worth at least $10000, they will send you the payment instructions. If it's not possible, they won't send you the instructions. This way you will not lose anything. It's very convenient and gives you the full protection. Other services charge you upfront even if your domain is not worth spending the appraisal fee, so I don't recommend them.

    2. Send the certificate to me and we will start the sale process. As soon as the buyer receives your certificate they will buy your domain.

    If you are new to the certification process, I can help you with the step by step instructions.

    To read the review you must have Telegram Messenger installed on your smartphone. To communicate with me online please use Telegram messenger. Here is the invitation link to our Domain Sale Group: https://t.me/dnsales

    Add me ( @ ElizabethSupport ) to your contacts and we will be able to chat in Telegram. If you don't have Telegram you may install it on your smartphone from Google Play or AppStore.

    One of my sellers already sold to this buyer from Oslo. You may read his review at https://t.me/dnsales/1754 Feel free to contact him.

    Please respond ASAP. No risk for you to proceed since this is a certified by SEDO domain offer with full proof of funds. If you send the certificate the buyer will have to pay you the same day.

    Elizabeth Kristiansen

    Vice President
       2020-10-21 22:10:16 +08:00
    既然是 sedo 平台来的,你就挂到 sedo 上,让他在上面出价。 一般在 sedo 上如果是乱出价最后不成交的会被拉黑
       2020-10-23 10:32:12 +08:00
    假的,买个域名为什么要 certificate,就是让你买 certificate
       2020-10-23 11:19:24 +08:00
    @steley 是骗子,他的邮件我没回复了。发出来只是希望大家如果有碰到,不要上当。
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