Hello everyone. We have prepared two builds for early adopters. This is IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and Community. These builds are identical to just-released versions of IntelliJ IDEA Community and Ultimate. Almost all binaries were ported to Apple Silicon: JetBrains Runtime(JVM), IntelliJ binaries like launcher, restarter, fsnotifier, etc. Some libraries were also updated: Terminal, JCEF (Chromium library), touchbar integration.
Known issues: Web Preview in Markdown doesn't work on the first load and needs file editing or reloading.
Feel free to download these builds and share your feedback. Please file new issues if you face some problems.
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.3: https://download.jetbrains.com/idea/ideaIU-203.6494-aarch64.dmg
IntelliJ IDEA Community 2020.3: https://download.jetbrains.com/idea/ideaIC-203.6494-aarch64.dmg