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V2EX  ›  酷工作

微软苏州 Teams 团队招 C++ CV 工程师啦~~~

  •   wongho · 2020-12-23 10:26:26 +08:00 · 1154 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1378 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Hello 各位, 微软苏州 Teams 团队现在急招以下工程师, 有兴趣的来看一下, 特别是身边有资深工程师同事想换工作的, 请看向这边~~~

    我也是在 Teams 组里做开发, 有兴趣也可以来聊聊 :)

    Program Management

    • Principal Group Program Manager

      • The GPM will oversee the PMs in both the Teams Client and the Teams Media space building delightful media experience for Teams customers.
    • Sr+ Program Manager – Teams Media AI

    • Sr+ Program Manager – Teams Media Platform

    Software Engineering

    • Principal Engineering Manager

      • The EM will primarily build and lead the team to build an AI powered media stack focusing on better estimating network bandwidth, computer vision and leveraging AI chips to offload processing. The team will be working in Modern C++ working closely with MSR and MSRA.
    • Senior Software Engineer – Networking

    • Software Engineer II – Networking

      • Solid design and coding skills in C++/Modern C++ (required)
      • Networking, TCP or WebRTC (at least one area)
      • Google Congestion Control (optional)
    • Senior Software Engineer – Computer Vision

    • Software Engineer II – Computer Vision

      • Solid design and coding skills in C++/Modern C++ (required)
      • AI in video technologies. Make the ML models developed by MSR/MSRA to work for different chipset (required)
      • develop optimize code that makes for better memory, cpu and battery efficiency (preferred)
    • Senior Software Engineer – Media AI Pipeline

    • Software Engineer II – Media AI Pipeline

      • Solid design and coding skills in Modern C++ (required)
      • Understanding of AI pipeline, how to efficiently utilize the various AI chips to improve performance (preferred)
    • Senior Software Engineer – Media Platform

    • Software Engineer II – Media AI Platform

      • Solid design and coding skills in Modern C++ (required)
      • Experience in one of technologies such as OpenGL, Image Processing, Android Media Framework (preferred)
    • Principal Software Engineer – Teams Client

    • Sr. Software Engineer – Teams Client

    • Software Engineer – Teams Client

      • Deep understanding of performant Javascript and/or Typescript.
      • Experience in one or more of UI frameworks like React, Angular or Web development
      • Ability to understand and implement responsive UI components.
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.