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coc.nvim 0.0.81 released

  •  2
  •   fannheyward · 2022-05-26 09:54:50 +08:00 · 1537 次点击
    这是一个创建于 861 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    What's Changed

    Features in LSP 3.16 are now supported, including:

    • Semantic Token support :h coc-semantic-highlights
    • Call Hierarchy support :h CocAction('showIncomingCalls') :h CocAction('showOutgoingCalls')
    • Linked Editing support :h coc-preferences-enableLinkedEditing
    • Events for file operations (create, rename, delete)
    • Change annotation support for text edits and file operations (create, rename, delete)

    Other major changes:

    • Tree view support :h coc-tree.
    • Outline support :h CocAction('showOutline').
    • Notification support like VSCode :h coc-notification #3813
    • InputBox and QuickPick support #3826
    • Built in support for ultisnip snippet :h coc-snippets.
    • Added snippet variables, same as VSCode.
    • Completion reworked for performance.
    • Improved for workspace folder and workspace edit :h coc-workspace #3838
    • Register and provide inlay hints (not available for language client).
    • Add reverse option for CocList.
    • Highlight for deprecated and unused code.
    • Add action definitionHover :h CocAction('definitionHover').
    • Add models BufferSync LinesTextDocument SemanticTokensBuilder
    • Add TextInsert event to handle user insert.
    • Add floatConfig to configure style of float window/popup.
    • Code Lens renders above the line when possible by default.
    • Use nvim_buf_set_text to change text when possible.
    • Refresh diagnostic list when diagnostic changed.
    • Add disabledFeatures support for configure language servers.
    • Show disabled code actions in menu picker.
    2 条回复    2022-05-27 10:40:19 +08:00
       2022-05-26 10:13:41 +08:00
    支持一下,虽然已经转战 lua 了。
       2022-05-27 10:40:19 +08:00 via Android
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