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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Tech Lead(40-80k/Full-time/Bilingual/Remote)

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  •   Jessica0916 · 2022-08-17 16:47:16 +08:00 · 1420 次点击
    这是一个创建于 776 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    * Responsibilities

    * Act as the TPM(Technical Project Manager) for the technical team of the US firm for the project and team management.

    * Responsible for the process specification development and continuous optimization of the whole process of the overall version delivery of the US company's product, to realize the process online and improve the quality and team effectiveness.

    * Responsible for continuous improvement of R&D specifications, participation in the development of technical standards and their implementation, and continuous improvement of R&D quality.

    * Conduct quantitative evaluation of the work of engineers.

    * Expectations

    * Bachelor's degree or above in computer-related majors, familiar with agile project management, 3+ years of experience in IT industry-related software project implementation and management, proficient in using various project management methods and tools.

    * Must have good English listening and speaking skills, fluent in English ,and be able to use English to talk about product requirements and technical issues.

    * Ability to analyze software project requirements and strong organizational, communication and coordination skills, able to coordinate product, R&D and testing teams and follow up on implementation progress.

    * Strong self-drive and sense of responsibility, able to take the initiative to perceive project risks in a timely manner and adopt appropriate solutions.

    * Scrum Master certificate is preferred.

    Send your cv: Usagi_9
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