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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Micro Focus(张江外企) 内推中高级 Front Engineer、 Java 、Android、QA、DevOps、Test Automation Engineer 欢迎各位大佬联系(转正成功,送手机)

  •   IsanHu · 2022-10-31 14:54:26 +08:00 · 1052 次点击
    这是一个创建于 700 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    地点:上海浦东新区张江 近中环,地铁 13 号线中科路站 上班:早上 10 点晚上 6 点,支持部分时间在家办公 福利: 公司有资格申请人才引进落户&申请人才公寓,有员工购股计划,免费健身,team building ,14 天年假,6 险 2 金 等


    欢迎投递简历: [email protected]


    • Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering, or above.
    • Strong English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
    • Minimum 2 years of technical experience in enterprise software development.
    • Professional experience in web application in Java using Spring/REST API.
    • Strong background in JAVA backend and significant exposure to other technologies.
    • Good database knowledge.
    • Strong design skills.
    • Experienced in software security.


    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent – ~3-year working experience
    • English communication capabilities (verbal and written)
    • QA knowledge - Design and execute tests according to specs (requirements), report bugs, QA methodologies...)
    • Familiar with software development lifecycle methodologies, e.g. Scrum, Kanban, Agile - advantage.
    • Familiarity with multiple OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS)


    • 3 years or above hands-on software development experience is a must.
    • Bachelor or master’s degree in computer science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent.
    • 3+ years working experience
    • Experience in DevOps or IT administration or automation development
    • Able to take ownership from inception through finished tasks with minimal external help.
    • Good sense in DevOps/automation methodology, and strong trouble shooting skills
    • Good command of Linux Shell, and scripting languages: Python, Ruby or programming
    • Skills in DevOps technical stack, i.e. Jenkins, Maven repo/Artifact management, Git, GitHub, Ansible, Terraform, etc.
    • knowledge on Docker/Kubernetes technology stack
    • Familiar with REST services
    • Experience in Agile development practice.
    • Experience in programming language (Java/C/Javascript) is a plus
    • Experience on AWS/Azure/GCP is a plus
    • Good command of English"


    • Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent
    • At least 2 years working experience in Java and Android App development
    • Solid Core Java programming skill
    • Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver.
    • Innovative/creative.
    • Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).

    Test Engineer

    • Desire to understand product from end user’s perspective.
    • Strong communication skills, ability to communicate professionally with peers.
    • Ability to work in a high-pressure environment.
    • Demonstrated time management, problem solving, presentation, and organizational skills.
    • Operates effectively under moderate to limited supervision."
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