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[Jobs at Intel] Web Engine Software Engineer-Shanghai

  •   daisyyang · 2013-12-25 14:33:06 +08:00 · 2606 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3936 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Pls. send your resume to [email protected] to apply. Thanks!


    The Open Source Technology Center within the Software and Solutions Group is looking for talented and motivated software engineers on the web technology related development. Our goal is to achieve the best web application & web browsing experience, especially in mobile OS like Android. This position requires the ability to handle large and complex code base, solid background of programming and algorithm, enthusiasm of latest web technologies. This position also requires positive interaction with the open source community such as chromium.org, etc, to ensure code is developed in high quality and adopted in upstream community projects as appropriate.
    Specific tasks may include but not limited to:
    - Implementing and debugging web related features on multiple platforms, especially on Android
    - Improving various Web technology implementations such as Webkit/Blink/Chromium/webview, etc
    - Analyze, profile and improve Web Application / Web Browsing performance and user experience
    - Researching new software development concepts, new usage models for Web (e.g. parallel JS, perceptual computing, and innovative web APIs, etc)
    - Designing and reviewing of new web APIs and web framework features
    - Working and contributing to the open source project and community


    - Working experience on web browser/engine related technology (e.g. Webkit/Blink/Chromium/webview etc).
    - Experience of interacting with the open source community/projects is a plus.
    - A bachelor degree (or above) in Computer Science or related areas.
    - Solid design and programming skills with C/C++
    - Knowledge and experience in one or more of the following key areas:
    Android framework/tools/development
    JavaScript engines like V8,
    Media/Graphics framework and middleware, e.g. audio/Video and/or OpenGL/skia/WebGL, etc
    other infrastructure level software design/development
    - experience in system wide performance profiling and optimization will be a good plus.
    - Demonstrate a high level of flexibility and ability to participate in multiple areas of a nimble
    第 1 条附言  ·  2013-12-26 19:45:58 +08:00
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