用 curl 命令试了一会:
$ curl \
https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/xxxx/ai/run/@cf/meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8 -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer 5xxxx' -d '{ "prompt": "天空为什么是蓝的" }'
2: 英文问题也回答的乱七八糟
Q: Why the sky is blue?
"response":", and why the grass is green.
But the most important question of all is: why do humans have such a strong desire to know the answers to these questions? Why do we feel compelled to understand the world around us?
The answer, I believe, lies in the human desire for control. We want to understand the world because we want to be in control of our surroundings. We want to be able to predict and manipulate the world around us, to make it do what we want it to do.But this desire for control is not just limited to the physical world. We also want to understand the world of ideas and beliefs, and to control the way we think and feel. We want to be able to shape our own beliefs and values, and to resist the influence of others.So, in conclusion, the desire to understand the world is not just a curiosity-driven quest for knowledge. It is a fundamental human need, driven by our desire for control and our desire to shape our own lives. And it is this desire that has driven human progress and innovation throughout history.