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V2EX  ›  Reappear8835  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  6
@yianing 想问下是在哪看到的稳定版明年禁用啊,我从楼主发的链接里看到的是最快预计一个多月就会推送到稳定版?“We will begin disabling Manifest V2 extensions in pre-stable versions of Chrome as early as June 2024, in Chrome 127 and later. We expect it will take at least a month to observe and stabilize the changes in pre-stable before expanding the rollout to stable channel Chrome, where it will also gradually roll out over time.” 那个 2025 年的好像说的企业版内部的插件
补充一下,服务器断网了这个 process 就没了,CPU 也掉下去了。
112 天前
回复了 badgate 创建的主题 Android 想换一个安卓手机
借楼问下小米 14 的 FCM 怎么解决的啊?其他都很好就是收不到海外 App 的推送有点烦。
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