V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  panpando  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  5
138 天前
回复了 WizardLeo 创建的主题 问与答 安卓有没有自动化工具?
macrodroid ,上手快
手机端 Kiwi 滚动页面时 HDR 效果会闪烁,124.0.6327.4
3004.388.4 (21-Aug-2023)
- NOTE: In preparation for the new codebase, the version
string will now start with 3004 or 3006 to match with

- NOTE: The RT-AX56U is no longer supported, as Asus has put it
on End-of-Life status, and the previous Asuswrt-Merlin
388 releases for that model were all based on untested

- NEW: Display channel utilisation for supported platforms on the
Wireless Log page.
- UPDATED: Merged GPL 388_23588.
- UPDATED: curl to 8.1.2.
- UPDATED: OpenVPN to 2.6.5.
- UPDATED: openssl to 1.1.1u.
- UPDATED: tor to
- CHANGED: FTP server will now only support strong ciphers
in TLS mode.
- FIXED: QOS Classification showing no Upload data on some
WAN configurations.
- FIXED: Radio temperature graphs weren't updating
- FIXED: XT12 proximity pairing wasn't working (missing
bluetooth firmware)
- REMOVED: Ethernet port status from the Tools Sysinfo page
(as this is redundant with Asus' own display
now available on the networkmap page).
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