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V2EX  ›  NAS


  •   ChaosAttractor · 4 小时 33 分钟前 · 193 次点击

    将一块 SAS 的希捷 EXOS 10T 从 512e 低级格式化到了 4Kn ,具体来说更新固件后执行了

    openSeaChest_Format -d /dev/sg1 --formatUnit 4096 --fastFormat 1 --poll --confirm

    使用的是 fastFormat

    结果格式化完重新插拔后发现居然还能 mount ,从备份里验证了一下哈希居然一个不差


    4 条回复    2024-12-12 06:17:56 +08:00
       4 小时 26 分钟前 via iPhone
       3 小时 21 分钟前
    --fastFormat [fast format mode] (SAS Only) (SBC4 required)
    Use this option with the --formatUnit option
    to run a fast format.
    Changing sector sizes is intended for supported Seagate products
    used in some hardware RAID configurations. Please consult your
    hardware RAID documentation for information about compatibility and
    using 4K native sectors before using this option!
    Software RAID or individual/JBOD drive solutions will see no benefit as modern
    file systems and modern operating systems are already 4K aware even on
    512 emulation drives. Modern operating systems already align file systems to 4K
    boundaries required by these drives for optimal performance.
    Performing a sector size change is data destructive and has a risk that
    the adapter, driver, or operating system may not know how to communicate with
    the device once this has completed.
    There is an additional risk when performing a low-level fast format that may
    make the drive inoperable if it is reset at any time while it is formatting.
    Available fast format modes:
    0 - This is a standard format unit command. All logical
    blocks will be overwritten. This command will take a
    very long time
    1 - This is a fast format unit command keeping existing
    data in physical sector. This option can be used to
    quickly change the the logical sector size between
    5xxe and 4xxx. The media may be readable, but data
    may be unspecified or may return errors on read access
    according to it's error processing algorithms.
    2 - This is a fast format unit command that can change the
    logical sector size quickly. Media may or may not be
    read accessible until a write has been performed to
    the media.

    WARNING: Any interruption to the device while it is formatting may render the
    drive inoperable! Use this at your own risk!
    WARNING: Set sector size may affect all LUNs/namespaces for devices
    with multiple logical units or namespaces.
    WARNING: Disable any out-of-band management systems/services/daemons
    before using this option. Interruptions can be caused by these
    and may prevent completion of a sector size change.
    WARNING: It is recommended that this operation is done from a bootable environment
    (Live USB) to reduce the risk of OS background activities running and
    triggering a device reset while reformating the drive.
    这是 fastFormat 的注释,的确 fastFormat 没有执行清除,但看起来能够完全保留数据也不是期待的结构
       3 小时 10 分钟前   ❤️ 1
    @ChaosAttractor 如果是 lba addressing 改 sector size 不会有任何影响,而现在没什么程序还在用 sector addressing 了。总而言之这和低格没关系。
       20 分钟前
    Fastfomat 不会用 0 填充,只是把 metadata 删了而已。
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