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我想咨询下, 苹果后台是否可以通过 transaction_id 查询订单

  •   helloworld12 · 2016-05-12 11:56:16 +08:00 · 5778 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3065 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    现在,后台税务信息刚提交, 后台还看不了, 能看到的是“你的销售和趋势正在准备” , 目前正在开发 app , 需要和服务端确定哪些字段需要保存到自己的 app

    收到的 receipt :

        environment = Sandbox;
        receipt =     {
            "adam_id" = 0;
            "app_item_id" = 0;
            "application_version" = 1;
            "bundle_id" = "****";
            "download_id" = 0;
            "in_app" =         (
                    "is_trial_period" = false;
                    "original_purchase_date" = "2016-05-12 03:41:20 Etc/GMT";
                    "original_purchase_date_ms" = 1463024480000;
                    "original_purchase_date_pst" = "2016-05-11 20:41:20 America/Los_Angeles";
                    "original_transaction_id" = 1000000210859720;
                    "product_id" = "*****";
                    "purchase_date" = "2016-05-12 03:41:20 Etc/GMT";
                    "purchase_date_ms" = 1463024480000;
                    "purchase_date_pst" = "2016-05-11 20:41:20 America/Los_Angeles";
                    quantity = 1;
                    "transaction_id" = 1000000210859720;
            "original_application_version" = "1.0";
            "original_purchase_date" = "2013-08-01 07:00:00 Etc/GMT";
            "original_purchase_date_ms" = 1375340400000;
            "original_purchase_date_pst" = "2013-08-01 00:00:00 America/Los_Angeles";
            "receipt_creation_date" = "2016-05-12 03:41:20 Etc/GMT";
            "receipt_creation_date_ms" = 1463024480000;
            "receipt_creation_date_pst" = "2016-05-11 20:41:20 America/Los_Angeles";
            "receipt_type" = ProductionSandbox;
            "request_date" = "2016-05-12 03:41:21 Etc/GMT";
            "request_date_ms" = 1463024481820;
            "request_date_pst" = "2016-05-11 20:41:21 America/Los_Angeles";
            "version_external_identifier" = 0;
        status = 0;

    不确定哪些需要保存 谢谢

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