下面是我阅读《 C++ Primer 》中“Argument Passing”章节做的一个小结,,大家看看有没有错误
the value of the argument is copied to the parameter, nothing the function does to the parameter can affect the argument
behave like passed by value
, the value of the argument pointer is copied to the parameter pointer, the two pointers are distinct. However, a pointer also gives us indirect access to the object to which that pointer points.
修改 argument pointer 本身不会影响 parameter pointer,但通过 argument pointer 修改它指向的对象,会同样修改 parameter pointer 指向的对象,因为它们指向同一个对象。
operations on a reference are actually operations on the object to which the reference refers, often used to allow a function to change the value of its arguments