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如何评价 Bulk Crap uninstaller 这款软件卸载管理器?

  •   Poto · 2021-03-19 15:49:15 +08:00 · 861 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1289 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    BCUninstaller 是一款软件卸载管理软件,是为专业 IT 工作者设计的开源软件。中文圈对这款软件似乎没啥认知,基本找不到几篇讨论。


    但是,我看有些人倾向于卸载管理软件带有监控安装进程功能的。关于 这点,我没怎么了解。请大家交流。

    此帖的目的之一是,我希望专业的 IT 从业者能就这款卸载管理软件进行评测,总结一下它的效果。


    Bulk Crap Uninstaller (or BCUninstaller) is a free (as in speech) program uninstaller. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input. It can clean up leftovers, detect orphaned applications, run uninstallers according to premade lists, and much more! Even though BCU was made with IT pros in mind, by default it is so straight-forward that anyone can use it.

    BCU is fully compatible with Windows Store Apps, Steam, Windows Features and has special support for many uninstalling systems (NSIS, InnoSetup, Msiexec, and many other). Check below for a full list of functions.

    Bulk Crap Uninstaller is licensed under Apache 2.0 open source license, and can be used in both private and commercial settings for free and with no obligations, as long as no conditions of the license are broken.

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