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@Gaoti 您好都可以的。
@Gaoti 你可以把简历直接发我邮箱~我去问一下,还有没有 HC
@ning8890 嗯 几个大家常看的频道我们都会发一下的~欢迎投递
@evat 中英文都可以
@bestzed95 6 个月可以再推荐一下,因为招聘岗位的 JD 会有变化
@xuzhzzz 前端、大数据、产品经营、运维口语要求高一些。QA 、BE 低一些
@shunia 也并没有呀,这两个职位需要的工作经验和年限都相对低一些的
补充第八个职位 Big Data DevOps Engineer 详细的 JD:

What you’ll be working on:

Managing, deploying, maintaining, and optimizing big data storage and processing components like Hadoop, Elasticsearch, HBase, Kafka, Hive, and more.
Ensuring the stability and availability of real-time and batch data services, identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.
Supporting various business teams with technical solutions and contributing to the technical evaluation process.
Developing automated processes and tools to enhance operational efficiency.
Designing and maintaining scalable architectures for storage platforms, continuously optimizing for performance and user experience.
Why work with us:

Join us in realising our vision in advancing decentralisation, and leading innovation in CeFi and DeFi. Enjoy work flexibility, a supportive team, and an environment that nurtures your ideas. Plus, expect a performance-based annual bonus for all contributors at WOO 💪

About you:


Hands-on experience with big data ecosystems, such as Hadoop, Elasticsearch, HBase, Hive, Kafka, Zookeeper, or Yarn.
Proficiency in Linux, including scripting skills for daily operations and experience with tools like Ansible, Puppet, or SaltStack.
Expertise in one or more programming languages (e.g., Golang, Python, or Java).
Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, or Alibaba Cloud.
Nice to have:

Experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform or Ansible.
Knowledge of containerization tools like Kubernetes, Helm, and Docker.
Familiarity with GitOps tools such as ArgoCD.
Knowledge of monitoring systems like Prometheus and Grafana, or logging systems like ELK or Loki.
Understanding of caching tools (e.g., Redis) and SQL/NoSQL databases (e.g., MySQL or MongoDB).
Experience with security or blockchain/crypto-related technologies is a plus.
Other qualities we value:

Excellent troubleshooting, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
A proactive and responsible attitude towards 24/7 on-call support when needed.
@hun2008hun 可以的 欢迎投递~!
@mosesyou 不是纯英文面试,可能会有英文的环节
@jayjoe 英文的会议能够用就行
@johnnyho 欢迎把简历发给我~
@dividez 您好抱歉这是硬性要求,非常遗憾。感谢您的留言。
@qywings 您好,QA 这个月满编了。
@CalvinLi 40 岁以下,工作经验优秀可以防宽
您好 刚刚找到了 我把帖子关闭
@varrrrr 我会尽快查看您的简历的。
英文读写 ok 是可以的。
@MJZ1995 以前的旧项目,现在不是那个项目了
@MJZ1995 这公司还没有发 NFT 呢
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