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2019-01-25 21:46:42 +08:00
回复了 ufjfeng 创建的主题 macOS Office 365 登录 Mac App Store
通过在重新安装之前完全卸载来解决 Office for Mac 问题:

How to remove Office license files on a Mac

删除 Microsoft AutoUpdate:
On macOS Mojave 10.14.1, this is what I found:

Microsoft Auto Update had 19 files on macOS in multiple directories, after I'd already removed it from ~/Library/Containers. You should remove those folders to completely remove the application and all it's traces. Some of the directories have spaces in their names, make sure to type those spaces with a leading backslash, if you use rm -Rf to remove those!

In your System Library:

/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app

In your User-Library:

~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft AU Daemon
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.microsoft.autoupdate2.savedState

You will also find temporary files, I had them in four different locations, but your mac will clean those up eventually. I found some in the system- and user-caches, as well as in /private/var/folders, if you really want all traces gone, you'll have to track those down as well.
2018-11-19 08:31:46 +08:00
回复了 BeliefanX 创建的主题 MacBook Pro mbp 13 接 4K 显示器, launchpad 卡顿严重~~~
我觉得和线也有关。直接 type c 或者 type c 转 dp
hdmi 实在太烂了
2018-11-14 16:44:37 +08:00
回复了 aussieweever 创建的主题 Apple Macbook Pro 非 Retina 分辨率
一直觉得 mac 对 4K 的支持处理的非常舒服
win10 以后好很多,但是比起 mac 还有差距
2018-10-31 22:06:08 +08:00
回复了 jay_chiu 创建的主题 iPhone HEIF 格式好像没啥意思
win10 和 android p 都已经支持 HEIF 格式了
2018-10-31 16:57:36 +08:00
回复了 yescpu 创建的主题 Apple 2018 Mac mini 是否可以自己加内存?
2016 和 2019 性能上貌似没有区别!!! office365 用户留
2018-09-09 10:12:41 +08:00
回复了 polymer 创建的主题 macOS 迫于生活,兼职代购, Parallels Desktop 14
就算没有买旧版,也直接可以用官网的升级价 358RMB 啊
2018-08-28 15:55:08 +08:00
回复了 jiezhi 创建的主题 优惠信息 Reeder 3 首次限免
问题是 RSS 已经没落
2018-08-20 22:52:16 +08:00
回复了 agagega 创建的主题 Apple 央视这个曝光,感觉别有深意啊
2018-08-09 22:30:40 +08:00
回复了 rubycedar 创建的主题 macOS QQ for Mac 6.5.0 不卡顿了
2018-08-09 15:48:15 +08:00
回复了 PDX 创建的主题 iOS 似乎现在好多 IOS App 图标直接用了 sketch 导出的圆角图标
联通手机营业厅的 LOGO low 的要命,三大运营商,就他的图标最难看
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