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2022-03-09 18:11:35 +08:00
回复了 tomemi 创建的主题 优惠信息 阿里小号 20/年 续费 5 年
亲亲 阿里小号延期优惠券领取时间为每天下午 2:00-5:00 ,其余时间无法领取的 给您带来不便麻烦您了 如果您需要给未过期的阿里小号延期您可以在下午 2:00-5:00 之间使用购买阿里小号的淘宝账号联系这边客服领取优惠券延期的
2022-02-14 12:43:06 +08:00
回复了 allenwuli 创建的主题 问与答 铁子们,轻薄办公本。预算 4000,有啥推荐的吗?
我也是 5800h ,外接两个 4K ,挺好的,两个屏都能到 60HZ
2022-01-26 01:37:56 +08:00
回复了 prondtoo 创建的主题 宽带症候群 深圳第一次办携号转网感受
@lancolor9812 j 还在那,得去营业厅取出来
2022-01-25 11:23:13 +08:00
回复了 prondtoo 创建的主题 宽带症候群 深圳第一次办携号转网感受
@brMu 是上门办的,但是退号得去营业厅办取消套餐。
2022-01-25 11:13:02 +08:00
回复了 prondtoo 创建的主题 宽带症候群 深圳第一次办携号转网感受
@nc4697 一年或者两年,到期了继续转...哪里有折扣转哪里
2022-01-25 10:46:04 +08:00
回复了 prondtoo 创建的主题 宽带症候群 深圳第一次办携号转网感受
@iovekkk 是的,我打听到联通都是 500M 的,估计那个客户经理想多赚点。我的移动一开始也说 300M ,后面听到其它人有 600M ,我就说要 600M ,也给了。
2022-01-25 10:45:05 +08:00
回复了 prondtoo 创建的主题 宽带症候群 深圳第一次办携号转网感受
@ArJun 不是,转网都有优惠,移动转电信好像也有 3-5 折,电信宽带香。
CDN 分级别的,看视频的热门度,很多都是野的 CDN ,就是 PCDN ,那用的都是别人的家宽,和热门视频用的机房宽带完全不一样。
2022-01-25 09:43:13 +08:00
回复了 Building 创建的主题 iPhone WeChat 改名为 Weixin 了吗?
Wechat 和 Weixin 是两个不同产品。
2022-01-22 23:35:33 +08:00
回复了 roostinghawk 创建的主题 全球工单系统 腾讯云 PG 数据库挂了?
2022-01-17 11:15:44 +08:00
回复了 callmeliusir 创建的主题 问与答 当贝 H2 电视盒子 这盒子咋样
2022-01-13 13:49:08 +08:00
回复了 InvictusGod 创建的主题 iPhone 关于不同国家和地区的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 的 SAR 值的疑问
2022-01-11 12:28:34 +08:00
回复了 ling516 创建的主题 Windows 大家手机电脑互传软件用的是啥
搞那么复杂,WINDOWS 右键,共享,不就可以了吗?为什么还要第三方软件或者配置
2021-12-28 23:05:00 +08:00
回复了 LuminousKK 创建的主题 云计算 AWS CloudFront 免费 CDN 配置教程
要是国内访问的话,cloudfront 的线路比 cloudflare 差不是一点。
2021-12-23 11:19:53 +08:00
回复了 phony2r 创建的主题 NAS 有比树莓派更稳定的开发板或者小型服务器吗?
@ameizing 我不对公网开放端口的,通过 wireguard 连回我家里组局域网。
2021-12-23 00:55:01 +08:00
回复了 gesse 创建的主题 宽带症候群 今天晚上是不是全球网络有问题?
EC2 operational issue
2021 年 12 月 22 日 在 8:35:51 晚上 UTC+8
区域 /可用区
API Error Rates

[04:35 AM PST] We are investigating increased EC2 launch failures and networking connectivity issues for some instances in a single Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) in the US-EAST-1 Region. Other Availability Zones within the US-EAST-1 Region are not affected by this issue.

[05:01 AM PST] We can confirm a loss of power within a single data center within a single Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) in the US-EAST-1 Region. This is affecting availability and connectivity to EC2 instances that are part of the affected data center within the affected Availability Zone. We are also experiencing elevated RunInstance API error rates for launches within the affected Availability Zone. Connectivity and power to other data centers within the affected Availability Zone, or other Availability Zones within the US-EAST-1 Region are not affected by this issue, but we would recommend failing away from the affected Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) if you are able to do so. We continue to work to address the issue and restore power within the affected data center.

[05:18 AM PST] We continue to make progress in restoring power to the affected data center within the affected Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have now restored power to the majority of instances and networking devices within the affected data center and are starting to see some early signs of recovery. Customers experiencing connectivity or instance availability issues within the affected Availability Zone, should start to see some recovery as power is restored to the affected data center. RunInstances API error rates are returning to normal levels and we are working to recover affected EC2 instances and EBS volumes. While we would expect continued improvement over the coming hour, we would still recommend failing away from the Availability Zone if you are able to do so to mitigate this issue.

[05:39 AM PST] We have now restored power to all instances and network devices within the affected data center and are seeing recovery for the majority of EC2 instances and EBS volumes within the affected Availability Zone. Network connectivity within the affected Availability Zone has also returned to normal levels. While all services are starting to see meaningful recovery, services which were hosting endpoints within the affected data center - such as single-AZ RDS databases, ElastiCache, etc. - would have seen impact during the event, but are starting to see recovery now. Given the level of recovery, if you have not yet failed away from the affected Availability Zone, you should be starting to see recovery at this stage.

[06:13 AM PST] We have now restored power to all instances and network devices within the affected data center and are seeing recovery for the majority of EC2 instances and EBS volumes within the affected Availability Zone. We continue to make progress in recovering the remaining EC2 instances and EBS volumes within the affected Availability Zone. If you are able to relaunch affected EC2 instances within the affected Availability Zone, that may help to speed up recovery. We have a small number of affected EBS volumes that are still experiencing degraded IO performance that we are working to recover. The majority of AWS services have also recovered, but services which host endpoints within the customer’s VPCs - such as single-AZ RDS databases, ElasticCache, Redshift, etc. - continue to see some impact as we work towards full recovery.

[06:51 AM PST] We have now restored power to all instances and network devices within the affected data center and are seeing recovery for the majority of EC2 instances and EBS volumes within the affected Availability Zone. For the remaining EC2 instances, we are experiencing some network connectivity issues, which is slowing down full recovery. We believe we understand why this is the case and are working on a resolution. Once resolved, we expect to see faster recovery for the remaining EC2 instances and EBS volumes. If you are able to relaunch affected EC2 instances within the affected Availability Zone, that may help to speed up recovery. Note that restarting an instance at this stage will not help as a restart does not change the underlying hardware. We have a small number of affected EBS volumes that are still experiencing degraded IO performance that we are working to recover. The majority of AWS services have also recovered, but services which host endpoints within the customer’s VPCs - such as single-AZ RDS databases, ElasticCache, Redshift, etc. - continue to see some impact as we work towards full recovery.

[08:02 AM PST] Power continues to be stable within the affected data center within the affected Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have been working to resolve the connectivity issues that the remaining EC2 instances and EBS volumes are experiencing in the affected data center, which is part of a single Availability Zone (USE1-AZ4) in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have addressed the connectivity issue for the affected EBS volumes, which are now starting to see further recovery. We continue to work on mitigating the networking impact for EC2 instances within the affected data center, and expect to see further recovery there starting in the next 30 minutes. Since the EC2 APIs have been healthy for some time within the affected Availability Zone, the fastest path to recovery now would be to relaunch affected EC2 instances within the affected Availability Zone or other Availability Zones within the region.
2021-12-22 16:14:56 +08:00
回复了 phony2r 创建的主题 NAS 有比树莓派更稳定的开发板或者小型服务器吗?
2021-12-13 14:21:30 +08:00
回复了 leonycz 创建的主题 旅行 《横断,梅里,雨崩》--七天云南之旅的最佳选择
没人推荐坦克 500 ?国产陆巡,这个价格无敌。
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