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2014-08-26 11:00:57 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?


2014-08-25 12:19:05 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
@windsandy 什么时候解决和不解决两个问题嘛,至少他们现在是说会更新PD9解决Bug。OS X 10.10还没有发布,PD10卖得差不多?
2014-08-25 11:20:37 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
@poporange630 我觉得不太厚道;不过PD9也继续能用,而且PD10如果确实存在大幅改进(尚存疑?),这样也说得过去,毕竟是商业行为,用脚投票嘛。


2014-08-25 11:10:51 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
@poporange630 看了链接,官方是说:The Development team is aware of this issue still being presented in Parallels Desktop 9, and a fix may be included in future Parallels Desktop 9 updates.

2014-08-25 11:08:06 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
看官方说明,只说PD8和更早版本不支持 Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) public beta,PD9目前是支持Yosemite public beta的,也没有找到正式说法PD9不支持 Yosemite正式版,所以各位吐槽前有确认清楚吗?

附上链接: http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/121895

NOTE: If you intend to upgrade to OS X Yosemite public beta, on the current beta version Apple has suggested making a complete backup of your system prior to installing the latest beta.
Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac and earlier versions
If you intend to upgrade to Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) public beta, please note that Parallels Desktop for Mac version 8 and earlier will not support OS X Yosemite (10.10) public beta. You will not be able to launch your Windows Virtual Machine or directly use your files through Parallels Desktop for Mac version 8 and earlier.
To continue using Parallels Desktop for Mac in OS X Yosemite public beta you should upgrade to Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac: http://sp.parallels.com/products/desktop/
Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac
The latest update of Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac does support OS X Yosemite public beta and is available to address the majority of the OS X Yosemite public beta compatibility issues.
Please make sure that you have the latest update by downloading it here.
Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac: Updates Summary
Knows issues with Parallels Desktop 9 and OS X Yosemite public beta
• OS X 10.10 virtual machine hangs with black screen on boot after initialization guest Mac OS X upgrade.
• Coherence window become unresponsive after switching to Fullscreen.
• Parallels Desktop installation may be corrupted.
• Various GUI artifacts.
• “Open in Windows” option may not work.
• Parallels Tools update may cause troubles.
NOTE: If you experience one of these issues please contact Parallels Support team: http://sp.parallels.com/support/
2014-08-25 11:01:40 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
@poporange630 能给个链接吗?搜不到。
2014-08-25 10:59:50 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
请问各位言之凿凿的:OSX 10.10升级后不支持PD10以下版本。这个是有确定结论了的吗?还是说现在存疑,没有看到官方声明啊。
2014-08-25 10:52:57 +08:00
回复了 peartail 创建的主题 macOS Parallels Desktop 算不算奸商?
@kinghenry 请问「而是它跟随osx升级,你不升pd,旧版不能在新版的osx下运行。」这一点来源哪里?它有官方声明说Yosemite正式版发布后,不支持PD9吗?没看到说明。
2014-08-23 13:37:14 +08:00
回复了 lvcai 创建的主题 macOS 升级 beta2 后,Parallels 出错无法启动,大家有注意到吗?
@maye696 ATP作为英语学习,还是太难了。
2014-08-18 10:10:43 +08:00
回复了 ywywywx 创建的主题 问与答 我不能过得好一点吗

功能重叠就要叫自己Read it later?逻辑这么混乱,软件服务都有自己定位,为什么要跟着别人走。
2014-08-13 17:07:38 +08:00
回复了 zucknet 创建的主题 macOS StackSocial 这个 Bundle 看起来不错
2014-08-13 13:40:29 +08:00
回复了 revival83 创建的主题 问与答 有没有文艺一点的记事应用 evernot 对我来说太庞大了。。
@Hysteria 第三方客户端挺多的。
PDF Expert 5.

2014-08-06 15:47:38 +08:00
回复了 razios 创建的主题 Apple mindnode 降价了
@razios 我觉得19.99不算便宜,虽然值这个价钱。

2014-08-06 14:40:32 +08:00
回复了 razios 创建的主题 Apple mindnode 降价了
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