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2023-08-07 19:18:15 +08:00
回复了 Whiplash55 创建的主题 问与答 加拿大移民资料分享(一)
2023-08-04 11:10:08 +08:00
回复了 billybobthornton 创建的主题 职场话题 楼主有一个出国的机会
所以我要特别解释清楚什么是 LMIA ,加拿大企业提供 LMIA 的话是需要提供三样东西作为前提,首先在本地进行招聘,通过 job bank (加拿大政府官网招聘网站),招聘不了的情况下再去向政府申请,其次提供的工资是需要所在行业中位数以上,以安省举例中位数的要求就是 50/H 。

但我最想提出的一点是,LMIA 的本质是主动权在对方手上,就好像在美国没有 H1B 一样。
所以你可能需要去查找几点,首先 LMIA 落地后多久可以申请 EE ?需要先工作半年一年吗?如果这半年一年被裁员,那怎么办?据我了解,LMIA 应该属于封闭式工签,你只能在这家或者其他愿意帮你申请 LMIA 的公司工作。假如我真的找不到工作,那下一步是什么,回国还是考虑其他计划留下?


2023-08-03 20:27:16 +08:00
回复了 billybobthornton 创建的主题 职场话题 楼主有一个出国的机会

我最近研究了挺多的关于加拿大移民的,也有打算润的情况所以提醒几点,根据先有的信息,程序员+cs master+工作十年+工签的情况下,是否能达到 EE 的要求?我建议你先去找加拿大官网打一下 EE 的分数,看看能不能拿到枫叶卡先。

Your results
All Express Entry candidates get a score out of 1,200, based on the four parts of the Comprehensive Ranking System formula.

We invite the highest-ranking candidates from the pool to apply as a permanent resident through regular “rounds of invitations.” See what minimum scores have been in the past.

Core/Human capital factors
Age = 70
Level of education = 126
Official Languages = 103
First Official Language = 103
Second Official Language = 0
Canadian work experience = 70
Subtotal - Core/Human capital factors = 369

Spouse factors
Level of education = 0
First Official Languages = 0
Canadian work experience = 0
Subtotal - Spouse factors = 0

Skill transferability factors
Education (to a maximum of 50 points)
A) Official Language proficiency and education = 25
B) Canadian work experience and education = 50
Subtotal = 50

Foreign work experience (to a maximum of 50 points)
A) Official Language proficiency and foreign work experience = 25
B) Canadian and foreign work experience = 50
Subtotal = 50

Certificate of qualification = 0

Subtotal Skill transferability factors = 100

Additional points (to a maximum of 600 points)
Provincial nomination = 0

Job offer = 50

Study in Canada = 0

Sibling in Canada = 0

French-language skills = 0

Subtotal Additional points = 50

Comprehensive Ranking System formula grand total = 519

250 June 8, 2023 No Program Specified 4,800 486
249 May 24, 2023 No Program Specified 4,800 488
247 April 26, 2023 No Program Specified 3,500 483
246 April 12, 2023 No Program Specified 3,500 486
245 March 29, 2023 No Program Specified 7,000 481
244 March 23, 2023 No Program Specified 7,000 484
243 March 15, 2023 No Program Specified 7,000 490
240 February 2, 2023 Federal Skilled Worker 3,300 489
238 January 18, 2023 No Program Specified 5,500 490
237 January 11, 2023 No Program Specified 5,500 507
236 November 23, 2022 No Program Specified 4,750 491
235 November 9, 2022 No Program Specified 4,750 494
234 October 26, 2022 No Program Specified 4,750 496
233 October 12, 2022 No Program Specified 4,250 500
232 September 28, 2022 No Program Specified 3,750 504
231 September 14, 2022 No Program Specified 3,250 510
230 August 31, 2022 No Program Specified 2,750 516
229 August 17, 2022 No Program Specified 2,250 525
228 August 3, 2022 No Program Specified 2,000 533
227 July 20, 2022 No Program Specified 1,750 542
226 July 6, 2022 No Program Specified 1,500 557
204 September 14, 2021 Canadian Experience Class 2,000 462
202 August 19, 2021 Canadian Experience Class 3,000 403
2023-07-26 16:29:00 +08:00
回复了 Zenwish 创建的主题 酷工作 私募公司招聘,强度不大,薪资给力
(搜索算法岗位没有算法经验,符合学历和专业要求的也可以),年龄不超 32 岁
要求:主要看 C9 院校本科或硕,计算机相关背景,1-5 年经验

本科毕业 22 岁 + 5 年经验 = 27 岁
硕士毕业 24 岁 + 5 年经验 = 29 岁
中国九校联盟/C9 联盟(简称 C9 )是中国大陆首个大学联盟,于 2009 年 10 月启动,联盟成员包括清华大学、北京大学、浙江大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、南京大学、西安交通大学、中国科学技术大学、哈尔滨工业大学 9 所高校。

贵司是打算年薪五百万起步直接让人短则 5 年长则 3 年财富自由吗?
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