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134 天前
回复了 amlee 创建的主题 问与答 求教:如何访问 wsl2 中的 docker 里的服务?
有没有修改过 wsl 的配置文件,在 Windows 的 home 目录里面有个 wsl 配置文件,删掉试试,如果有的话
136 天前
回复了 nvksie 创建的主题 路由器 2024 年求推荐能刷 wrt 的便宜千兆路由
红米 ax6 ,改过内存的
143 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 互联网 为什么在国内平台发帖回复很少?
@shitshit666 前几条
143 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 互联网 为什么在国内平台发帖回复很少?
v 站帖子少,经常摸鱼能把前几天看包浆
不会真的有人去用 gitee 吧
了解一下这个方法? https://blog.onbed.cn/amazing/1300
326 天前
回复了 dc2002007 创建的主题 Java 为何不选 Hibernate,非要 MyBatis?
Java 那群老顽固多的很,你让他改变点什么,比杀了他还难受。
@Greendays 这不一样,你是客户
都用 Ghost 了,还是在乎这东西的人么
可以试试 parsec ,parsec 的使用体验相当的惊艳,自带打洞,如果自带打洞失败,可以试试 zerotier 或者 tailscale 打洞。实在不行还可以私有化部署 zerotier 或者 tailscale
2023-05-20 08:57:35 +08:00
回复了 selectAndAction 创建的主题 程序员 有 v 友用 bard 的吗
If the Bluetooth headset is broken, should I go to the dentist or go to the ear doctor?
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You should go to an audiologist. An audiologist is a healthcare professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing and balance disorders. They can help you troubleshoot your Bluetooth headset and determine if it is broken or if there is another issue with it. If the headset is broken, they may be able to repair it or recommend a replacement.

A dentist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity. They are not typically equipped to diagnose or treat hearing or balance disorders.

An ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT) is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the ears, nose, and throat. They may be able to help you with your Bluetooth headset if it is causing pain or discomfort in your ears or if it is interfering with your hearing. However, they are not typically equipped to repair or replace Bluetooth headsets.

An audiologist is the best healthcare professional to see if you are having problems with your Bluetooth headset. They have the training and expertise to diagnose and treat hearing and balance disorders, and they can help you troubleshoot your headset and determine if it is broken or if there is another issue with it.
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