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V2EX  ›  yidinghe  ›  全部回复第 7 页 / 共 149 页
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268 天前
回复了 hhhh115 创建的主题 分享发现 关于单身和想死的自我剖析
268 天前
回复了 VforGeek 创建的主题 问与答 求助:手机号收不到验证码怎么办。。。

Actual file system engineer here. All modern file systems are power fail tolerant. The only one that is regularly used that isn't is FAT, or ext2 if you still use that.

Now this just means your metadata will be consistent, any data that hasn't been written out to disk yet will be lost. ext3 will write all dirty data before it commits the journal every 5 seconds, so it is least likely to screw you, you will only lose the last 5 seconds worth of data. Ext4, btrfs and xfs all do this thing called delayed allocation, which means we avoid writing data until the last possible moment, so you could very well lose the last 5 minutes of data written but still have a consistent file system if your applications are not using fsync().

I know next to nothing about ZFS, but delayed allocation is a pretty universal file system feature so you can bet they do roughly the same thing, making them no better at being power fail tolerant than any other modern file system. The other thing about ZFS is that they do not have a fsck, so if you trust your ZFS file system developers to not make mistakes then go for it, but speaking as a file system developer, the kind of mistakes we make are never simple and easily recovered from.
268 天前
回复了 yanng 创建的主题 健康 肠胃特别差
莫要挑起性别对立。谁管钱只看谁能管好钱。一个人若能管好自己的钱,便不怕对方乱花 ta 自身的钱。这是家庭经济维持下去的底线。
268 天前
回复了 Knuth 创建的主题 计算机 现在笔记本 CPU 是不是普遍过剩?
271 天前
回复了 yidinghe 创建的主题 程序员 Qwen2 模型当中会输出一个奇怪的标签
我又发现可能会输出其他标签,例如 `<|endoftext|>`,`<|begin_end>` 等等
271 天前
回复了 yinft 创建的主题 生活 普通人这辈子的天花板是什么
271 天前
回复了 129duckflew 创建的主题 Java SpringDataJpa 如何实现行级数据权限控制?
272 天前
回复了 izToDo 创建的主题 哔哩哔哩 很奇怪,近期 B 站审核尺度有明显放宽
272 天前
回复了 AntonChekhov 创建的主题 问与答 [讨论] 如何形成取悦自己的习惯
如果想要彻底接纳自我,彻底放松,唯一的办法就是学习精神分析。推荐 B 站“罗明落 ny”的视频。
首先成人内容不要分享出去,其次要保证里面不包含非法内容。具体你可以问 Google Gemini:美国法律禁止公民在网盘中存储哪些内容?
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